Women around the world struggle to balance work, home, children, errands, and so on. Their list of things to do never ends and in this hectic lifestyle, a large number of them end up ignoring changes in your body that might be indicators or symptoms of potential health problems. New York physician Dr. Gafanovich shares the following 10 symptoms women should not ignore:
1. Vaginal bleeding or discharge
For women who have gone through menopause, vaginal bleeding is abnormal and could be a sign of either something small like a hormonal imbalance or something big like endometrial cancer or uterine cancer. Any uncharacteristic discharge or foul-smelling discharge should be taken seriously and a doctor should be consulted.
2. Sudden or unexplained weight loss
Weight loss is usually good for you, especially if you've made changes in your diet or have taken up physical activity to achieve this loss. However, when your weight is coming off without any effort, it might be a cause for concern. Colon cancer is accompanied with unexplained weight loss. In case of sudden or abnormal weight loss, consult your doctor.
3. Excessive urination
Too much urination can be indicative of several things including diabetes and uterine fibroids. Something could be wrong and it's best to get it checked out.

4. Breast changes
All breast lumps are not cancerous, but if you observe any changes in your breasts, you should let your healthcare provider know. This could include skin dimpling or puckering, nipples that turn inward, nipple discharge or redness or scaling of nipple or breast skin.
5. Skin changes
Any out-of-ordinary change in the size, shape or color of a mole or other spot could be a sign of skin cancer and should not be ignored. Also, unexplained bumps on the skin or feet that either do not go away or repeatedly come back should also not be ignored.
6. Flu-like symptoms
Symptoms such as sweating, nausea, light-headedness, fatigue, pressure or pain in the lower chest, abdomen or back are often dismissed because they seem very much like the flu. In many cases it might just be the flu, but in some, these symptoms can actually be signs of a heart attack.
7. Pubic Area discomfort and odor
This can be a very personal matter for most of us and we often do not talk about it enough with our healthcare providers. But don't be embarrassed! It is important to understand that vaginal and even penile odor for men does happen. Vaginal odor is the result of an unbalanced vaginal pH. Many women experience this and it can be managed through vaginal gels. However, if the odor persists or is accompanied with fever or any other symptoms, women should not ignore it and consult their doctor.
8. Toothache
A Constant toothache or prolonged sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, swollen gums, pain when chewing or applying pressure to your teeth can be signs of infection and should not be ignored. Toothaches and pains require immediate attention and should not be allowed to spread to the jaw or beyond.
9. Bloating or Gas
Bloating and gas are common signs of menstruation or a change in diet. While this is a natural occurrence, if symptoms persist, you might be at risk of ovarian cancer. It is important to talk to your ob-gyn about these symptoms.
10. Numbness in Wrists
Numbness or tingling in your thumb, index and middle fingers can often be symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. If left untreated, this can lead to permanent nerve or muscle damage.
Don't Ignore These 4 Pillars Of Your Health, Ladies
It's important for all women to be empowered to make healthy choices. What are the things that we should focus on to ensure that we have the proper tools to get on track? What better gift to yourself than improving your quality of life with healthy routines?
This month, take the opportunity to take care of yourself and find the time to sit down with your doctor or health care provider to discuss ways to take control of your health. Some of the changes in routine that can help create healthy long-term effects include eating right, exercising, quitting smoking and getting the care necessary to stay healthy. Fortunately, there are many websites, apps and people to help you track and manage your health.
The journey to a healthier lifestyle begins with finding healthy food options.
With all the hustle and bustle, calories can easily rack up to more than you expected. As the rate of hypertension and diabetes continues to increase in the African American community, we must find healthier options that help decrease sugar and salt in foods. Another way to help create a healthy eating environment is to watch the portion sizes of meals and find an app that can help cut back on caloric intake.
With these small modifications, you will find that your energy will increase and your weight loss goals will be met.
According to data from the Institute for Women's Policy Research, the biggest killer of women in the nation is heart disease. That means, 1 in 4 women die from heart disease in the United States. Making the time to be your own advocate is a part of the change when taking charge of your health.
READ: How You React To Stress Could Put Your Heart At Risk
To protect your heart, it’s time you find any opportunity to get active, no matter where you are or what time of the day it is. The idea that working out means going to a gym and spending lots of time in a facility is all wrong. Making cardiovascular activity fun is part of experiencing new challenges. Changing the routine is the name of the game and it can start with walking the dog a little bit faster, taking a dance class or taking a brisk walk with a friend around the neighborhood for 20 minutes three times a week. Once you find ways to fit exercise in your life, a routine will start to develop. Challenge the family to an activity together to keep family time healthy and happy.
Changing how we treat our bodies is part of making sure we have sustainable lives. Getting your gut health in order is important and helps decrease inflammation within the body. There are trillions of microorganisms in our bodies, which help digest and help us absorb our food in addition to strengthening our immune systems. One way to help protect the "good" bacteria in our bodies is to use probiotics, which can fortify our natural gut flora. When there is imbalance within our gut, it has been shown to contribute to heart disease, allergies and asthma, skin disorders, obesity, irritable bowel syndrome, digestive problems and much more. Using daily probiotics helps prevent inflammation and minimizes the effects of disease on the body.
Preventive health is the best way to help us stay healthy, and help women take control of their own health. Every year there are screening tests that help prevent diseases such as cancers, diabetes and help enhance wellness. Using preventive services like mammograms, smoking cessation services and annual well-woman visits are helpful in taking strides in improving your health.
The ultimate goal in improving your health is becoming a little selfish to focus on taking time for yourself to get the whole body in tune and centered.
Dr. Jessica Shepherd is a women’s health expert and also the founder of Her Viewpoint, an online women’s health forum that focuses on addressing taboo topics in a comfortable setting. As an OB/GYN, she practices at the University of Illinois at Chicago and also serves as the Director of Minimally Invasive Gynecology. She treats women for obstetrics, pelvic health as well as pelvic and sexual dysfunction. Dr. Shepherd has written in various journals including Women’s Day, Women’s Health, Family Circle, Parents, LifeScript.com, Heart and Soul, Best Health and Essence. Follow her on Twitter @JShepherd_MD.