This is your sign to purchase a juicer. Yup, it’ll be one of your best investments yet. Not only is it convenient and provides healthier alternatives but if you have eczema, it just may be your new favorite piece of kitchen equipment. There is a clear link between eczema, your diet and what you consume daily. Adding juicing to your everyday life could be a complete game changer for you.
Eczema is a type of dermatitis. It is a chronic inflammatory skin condition. Eczema is actually a quite common condition, and it isn’t contagious.
You should know that eczema can affect any individual at any age. So it’s important to know the signs and symptoms that come with the skin condition. Symptoms of eczema can flare up if an individual comes in contact with a particular irritant or an allergen.
Some irritants and allergens include:
- Environmental factors like dry weather (low humidity)
- Smoke and pollutants
- Soaps and detergents
- Certain clothing materials/fabrics
- Makeup and /or skin care products
- Stress/decline in your emotional wellbeing
Both allergens and irritants can cause contact dermatitis, otherwise known as eczema.
Signs and symptoms of eczema include:
- Inflamed skin
- Sensitive skin
- Scaly rashes
- Itchy skin
- Dry skin
- Bumps/blisters
- Thick, leathery patches on the skin
- Discolored (purple, brown-gray) patches on the skin for those whose skin is darker
The most common places you’ll notice symptoms on the body:
- Elbows
- Neck
- Hands
- Knees
- Feet
- Ankles
- Face
- In and/or around the ears
There are treatments, like moisturizers, topical medications, oral medications and therapies available to help you manage symptoms of eczema, but there isn’t a cure for eczema.
This is where juicing comes in. What you consume makes a difference throughout your body, health and wellness. As I’ve mentioned before, there is a clear link between eczema and your diet (what you eat and drink). Juicing has many health benefits, including reducing and helping to manage eczema flare-ups.
Some other benefits of juicing:
- Our body quickly absorbs nutrients when we drink
- Helps our body to detox harmful substances / encourages body detoxification
- Boosts our energy
- Helps weight loss
- Natural alternative to surgery, unhealthy drinks
To get the best out of juicing for reducing eczema flare-ups, you want to use fresh fruit and vegetables that contain anti-inflammatory agents, are filled with antioxidants, and are packed with vitamins, like kale, carrots, celery, spinach, apples and berries.
So, here are three of the best juicing recipes for eczema that you should try:
1. Celery juice
What you’ll need:
1 head of celery
1 green apple, peeled, quartered and cored
½-1 lemon, juiced
20g ginger, finely grated(optional)
Your how-to:
Be sure to wash everything well. Separate the celery stalks and trim the root ends, then roughly chop each stalk. Put the chopped celery, apple, half the lemon juice and ginger in the feeder tube/through the chute, one at a time.
2. Carrot juice
What you’ll need:
1 cup of carrots
1 celery stem (optional)
Your how-to:
Be sure to wash everything well. Chop the carrots into small cubes and chop the celery stem roughly (if used). Add the carrot cubes and chopped celery to the feeder tube of your juicer and extract the juice.
3. Spinach and kale juice
What you’ll need:
1 cup of baby spinach
4 medium kale leaves
1 medium granny smith apple
½ lemon, peeled
2 medium carrots
1 pinch of ginger(optional)
Your how-to:
Be sure to wash everything well. Cut carrots, apples and lemons as needed to fit through the feeder tube/ chute of the juicer. Enjoy!
Are you ready to start juicing? These blends pack a lot of power and are believed to reduce eczema flare-ups. After you try, come back and leave us a comment on some of your findings. In the meantime, check out the latest articles on all things related to eczema.