When you get wrapped up in the day-to-day tasks of life and taking care of others, it can be easy to forget about loving the most important person in your life -YOU!
Now that we are at the beginning of the year, we can focus on loving ourselves and putting more energy into the goals we want to accomplish throughout the year!
Loving yourself is more than just buying yourself something nice from time to time or going to the spa. Self-love encompasses loving your entire being, body, mind, and soul. It means doing the things you need to do for yourself, even when you don’t feel like it. Here are five ways to make sure you are showing yourself the best love you have to offer:
Love Your Body
1. Diet
Loving yourself doesn’t always include the things that are easiest to do. Eating the proper diet can feel like you’re giving yourself a dose of tough love, but it’s the kind of love your body needs.
What we consume in our diets has a large impact on our physical health. Giving up donuts for apples can be hard, but your body will appreciate it.
Studies have shown that diets high in processed foods and sugars lead to life-altering diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. Eating a nutritionally balanced diet with fruit, vegetables, protein and healthy fats will give your body the fuel it needs to be productive in your personal and work life.
This change in your diet can lead to healthy weight loss. It’s easy to eat mindlessly when you’re sitting around the house. Challenge yourself by giving up foods and beverages that are not good for your body.
RELATED: 17 Amazing Ways To Show Yourself Love
2. Exercise
Generally, exercise is not what comes to mind when you think of loving yourself.
Exercise can be challenging at times, but it’s a great way to show your body the love it deserves.
Staying active for 30 minutes every day with exercises that promote heart health, flexibility, and strength promotes a high quality of life. Consistent exercise decreases your chances of diseases like hypertension, diabetes, muscle and joint pain, and obesity.
Love Your Mind
3. Rest and Relaxation
We all know that stress is a natural part of our lives. However, it does not have to consume us. Taking time away from the hustle and bustle of life is a great way to love your mind.
Planning and scheduling time for rest and relaxation will give your mind the rejuvenation it needs to stay clear and strong. This can mean unplugging (no use of electronic devices) from the world during certain times of the day or going on a mind-clearing walk in the park alone.
Rest and relaxation are just as important to the mind as eating is to your body. Make it a priority!
4. Self-Reflection
With schedules becoming more filled with tasks and “To-Do” lists, going from day-to-day without self-reflection has become the norm. Self-reflection allows you to spend time with your thoughts and feelings.
Self-reflection can be done with a counselor or you can record your thoughts and feelings in a journal. Love through self-reflection can give you insight and resolution regarding your choices about the present and the future.
Love Your Soul
5. Connect With God
Loving the part of you that makes you who you are is vital to loving your whole self.
Connecting with God through prayer, meditation, music, or fellowshipping with others (You don’t have to fellowship in person. You can use your computer or phone to group chat or even stream church services.) are great ways to love your soul.
Feeding your soul with God’s word, encouragement and positivity from others, or even through acts of service towards others will uplift your soul through peace and purpose.
Loving yourself takes some effort on your part, but you are more than worth it. It’s ok to spread love to others, but don’t forget to give love to the person who matters the most in your life – YOU!