Sure you don't want to be fat, unhealthy and overweight, but let's face it: each of us enjoys being a little lazy sometimes. And don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with that! But here's how to have both your lazy day and a good workout, all while sitting down.
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Calf Muscle Toning
Give your calf muscles a workout by raising your legs up on the very tips of your toes while remaining seated. Your calf muscles should start to burn after a few seconds. Hold for ten seconds and then repeat eight times.
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Chair Lifts
**Please Note: This one exercise must have a chair with armrests**
Sitting in a chair with your feet firmly planted on the floor, place your hands on the armrests of the chair and press down, raising your body off the chair. Extend your arms straight and allow your hips and buttocks to lift up off the chair.
Keep your head lined up over your pelvis. Allow your spine to “dangle” and unravel straight down, creating space between each vertebra.
Hold this position or push up and down to work the backs of the arms more. Repeat 4 times if holding; work up to 3 sets of 10 reps if lifting and lowering.
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Chair Yoga
Bend your front leg to a 90-degree angle and lunge horizontally over the chair, allowing the back of the front thigh to rest fully on the chair.
If the chair is too low for the back of your thigh to rest on it, place a few folded towels or blankets on the chair seat to reach the desired height.
Extend your back leg straight with the foot turned slightly to the side. Stretch and extend your arms straight out from the center of your chest and gaze past the middle finger of the front arm. Hold for about 10 breaths. Repeat on the opposite side, holding the pose for up to 1 minute.
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Core Muscle Toning
Strengthen your core by rotating at the waist while remaining seated. Rotate as far to the left as you can and hold for five seconds, then repeat on the right. Complete five sets. Grab the backrest of your chair with your hands for extra support.
Thought you only could do crunches lying down, huh? Wrong! Move to the edge of your seat and lean back on the backrest. Then lift your straightened legs a few inches above the ground and raise your back a few inches off the backrest.
Feel the burn in your abdominal muscles and hold for ten seconds. Eight reps of ten seconds each can strengthen your core considerably when done regularly.
Butt Tightener
Tighten that area where the sun doesn't shine by squeezing and holding your butt cheeks for a period of four seconds each. Do 10 reps and rest for 1 minute. Repeat three times. Over the course of a week, you should feel a difference in the muscle of your gluteus maximus.
Leg lifts
Starting with both feet flat on the floor, do leg lifts, starting first with the right leg and then the left. Lift each leg until it touches the underside of your desk. Do ten sets of eight reps to strengthen your thigh muscles and your core.