We’ve all had our moments of distress after an eventful, tipsy, and even sometimes a drunken night out. After we’ve thrown back a few, we may wake up the next day with thrashing headaches, upset stomachs, nausea and feeling just as drunk as we did the night before.
These symptoms can most certainly be categorized as, you guessed it, a hangover. Some theories say chasing it down with a shot of alcohol in the morning will cure it, while others say avoiding dark liquors altogether would’ve helped you not experience this awful feeling, to begin with.
However, no matter how you end up with a hangover it almost always boils down to dehydration. Here are eight sure-fire natural ways to help remedy the situation:
Drink water.
Water never gets old! And in the case of a hangover, it will be your very best friend. Make sure to always drink water in between cocktails, shots, and even wine. It will keep you leveled and hydrated throughout the night.
If you’re feeling it still in the morning, drink up to rehydrate and flush the impurities from your system.
Take a shot of olive oil.
Sounds gross but if you can imagine eating greasy foods like pizza before you start drinking, this one can’t be that hard to picture either.
One remedy that can often be easily confused as a fable, is to take a spoonful of olive oil just before you start to drink. It is said to grease the intestines so the alcohol takes longer to absorb, and some swear by it.
RELATED: Drank Too Much Last Night? Here’s How to Save Your Morning
Eat ginger.
Ginger is known to relax and soothe the intestinal tract. Ginger tea is best for curing a hangover because dehydration is a major culprit. Brew some ginger tea or try drinking since fructose metabolizes quickly. Try plain fruit juices or sugary sweets between cocktails.
Make sure to eat breakfast.
After a night out, your morning should be met with loads of liquids and food. It will help replenish your dehydrated system and get calories back into your body. Eat an easy-to-digest meal like cereal and toast, then slowly make your way to solids like meat and cheeses later in the day.
Eat something sweet.
Studies show that fructose may speed alcohol metabolism, thus reducing the risk of a hangover. It’s important to eat sugar from fresh fruit, which has been shown to lessen a hangover's intensity. Avoid consuming sugary drinks, which will prolong your disrupted blood sugar levels.
Consume electrolytes.
Electrolytes are just as important as water. When we drink, we not only lose water, but we also lose our body’s daily salt and potassium intake. Consolidate electrolyte-rich fluids like chicken noodle soup, coconut water, and sports drinks to replenish these.
Try a natural supplement.
A prickly pear extract can counter the effects of alcohol inflammation in your liver, mitigating headaches, and nausea. Try nibbling on crystallized ginger and your stomach will be at ease in no time.
Sleep it off.
Sleep is the best cure for a hangover, but for many people, this is a luxury. Alcohol significantly disrupts sleep. It reduces REM sleep, wakes you up before you're truly rested, and aggravates breathing problems. This is why you often feel tired after a night of heavy drinking. The only way to get rid of that feeling is to catch up on the sleep you missed the night before. If you can manage to nod off for an hour or two during the day, you will feel that much better.
Tia Muhammad, BS, is an award-winning freelance content & media creative, copywriter, blogger, digital designer, and marketing consultant. She owns the boutique content and digital media company, jackieGLDN|studio.