As people with uteruses and vaginal openings, when it comes to that time of the month, all you want to do is stay in bed and sleep until it’s over. The fatigue, aches and sickness are enough to ask whatever higher power you believe in (if you do) “why me universe?” Some people are lucky enough to not experience the excruciating and week-long period pain. For others, getting your period every month is preparing yourself to go to war with your body and you have little to no weapons to use in this war. Yes, for some people it gets this bad. Why do you or others experience such traumatic monthly cycles? Well, it can be for a lot of reasons. One reason is genetics. Your family may have a history of heavy and harsh periods. Another reason is the food and drinks you may be eating, leading up to the time of your period and then there are your feminine hygiene products. Sometimes what you use could be worsening your period symptoms.
Your Monthly Period Is Probably Getting Worse And Here’s Why
Yes, how the people in your family experienced their monthly menstrual cycle can be the reason why you experience such painful symptoms during your time.
Having a diet that isn’t the healthiest can also contribute to the stressful and painful symptoms every month, but did you know that there is one thing that you use during this time every month that can make your period symptoms painful and intense? It’s the types of pads and tampons that you use. Depending on which brand of feminine hygiene products you use and the specific product types, your period symptoms could be worsening simply because of that.
Certain brands create tampons and pads, with chemicals in them, yes actual chemicals. These chemicals not only worsen symptoms, but they can cause problems with your body later on if you are exposed to them often.
RELATED: There’s More to Periods Than Pads and Tampons
3 Brands That Can Be Causing You Harm
There are a bunch of different brands of feminine hygiene products out there for your monthly.
Some have been around for decades and were used by your mothers, grandmothers and great grandmothers.
Others are fairly new and have just really hit the market within the last few years.
Some popular brands that have been used for decades now are Always, U by Kotex and Tampax. As popular and well known as these 3 brands are, they also might be ones exposing you to harm and causing worsening symptoms.
In 2014, Always menstrual pads were commissioned to be tested by the Women’s Voices for the Earth. The products were tested for elusive organic compounds.
The testing showed that Always pads transmitted toxic chemicals and some of these toxic chemicals were listed on a few programs and agencies such as the Agency For Toxic Substances and Disease Registry as reproductive and developmental toxins.
How These Chemicals Can Cause Or Worsen Your Symptoms
These chemicals could start causing drastic changes to your life if you continue to expose yourself to them often. The chemicals found in these pads can be absorbed into the reproductive system because they are in direct contact with one’s genitalia.
They can worsen cramps, and make you feel sicker than you are already feeling. These chemicals can also cause harm to your nervous system, cause dizziness and fatigue (symptoms that you may already experience while on your period), and even kidney damage later on.
The actual tampon itself can cause TSS otherwise known as Toxic Shock Syndrome. Toxic shock syndrome is a rare and life-threatening illness that is caused by the infection of bacteria and women are usually more subjected to it because it can be caused by using the wrong type of tampon or leaving a tampon in for too long.
Tampons can also worsen your symptoms if you are living with a complication such as endometriosis. It can make the use of tampons painful and the pressure on your pelvis worse. Adding harmful chemicals into it can cause an overall miserable experience every month.
RELATED: Exploring Period Panties As A Menstruation Alternative
3 Brands You Should Try For An Easier Time Of The Month
Brands such as L. Organic, Rael, and Seventh Generation are all great brands that may ease period pain and symptoms during that time of the month. This is because they are organic products that don’t contain those toxic chemicals that can be found in other brands.
Many people have even left reviews on websites where these items can be purchased and stated that they notice shorter and lighter periods after switching to an organic brand.
So with this new information that you have learned, are you willing to make the switch if you haven’t already? Think about it, it may make your periods 10 times easier.