Welcome to the new year, which is another opportunity to become the change you want to see in your life. Whether that be picking up a new hobby or side hustle, finding a new routine that gives you the chance to start your days off better and end them just the same, or even new habits such as learning how to control your portion sizes when eating. However you choose to start your new year off, one important habit to remember to do is to stop buying cow’s milk! In 2023 there should be no cow’s milk in your refrigerator. Why? Well, there are plenty of reasons why you shouldn’t buy that type of milk and plenty of alternatives to replace it with.
The Benefits Of Removing Cow Milk From Your Diet
You’re probably used to all the old commercials and billboard ads about how regular milk is good for strong bones and teeth. That statement has truth to it because of what can be found in milk. Calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B-12, protein and more, but there are many benefits that come with removing milk from your diet.
One example is that you consume less fat. Whole milk contains more saturated fats than other milks do. Another benefit to removing regular milk from your diet is a lower risk of developing cancer and bone fractures. Excess calcium can increase the risk of developing prostate cancer and the sugars in milk have been linked to ovarian cancer.
RELATED: Could Milk Raise a Man’s Odds for Prostate Cancer?
Consuming three or more glasses of milk a day can increase the risk of bone fracture in women. This is due to a sugar that can be found in milk called D-galactose.
Removing cow’s milk from your diet could help with your allergies. Regular milk also has the ability to cause skin problems such as acne or allergic reactions such as constipation, colic and diarrhea. It could also be making your eczema worse.
What It Could Be Doing To Your Eczema
Since cow’s milk has the ability to cause skin problems, it has the ability to make your eczema symptoms worse. This is because you may be allergic to cow’s milk and not even know it.
Those who experience worsening symptoms when drinking cow’s milk while living with eczema usually have an allergy to the contents found in cow’s milk.
Dairy is a common allergen and over 25% of people living with eczema are allergic to some type of food. This means that you could experience eczema flare-ups when consuming foods such as dairy (cow milk). Your symptoms could be rough and dry patches all over your skin and itchiness that doesn’t seem to stop.
RELATED: Got Milk…Issues? Here Are 4 Dairy Alternatives!
Healthier Alternatives For Better Digestion
When it comes to treating the problem, the first step is identifying it. The next step is to see what you can do to eliminate the problem (i.e. stop buying cow’s milk altogether).
After that, you can find new solutions to fix or replace what wasn’t working. The best solution for removing cow’s milk from your diet is to find alternatives to replace it. Thankfully that’s easy because there are many alternatives to replace cow’s milk.
You can first start off by buying milk that comes from a different animal such as goat milk or camel milk. They still contain many of the healthy benefits of cow’s milk but they’re easier for digestion and don’t cause many of the risks that cow’s milk does.
You could also try milk that comes from a nut or an oat such as almond milk or oat milk. They still give you the vitamins and proteins you need without the risk of allergies, reactions, or future complications. Soy milk, cashew milk and coconut milk are also great alternatives to try.
It Might Not be Just Milk But Dairy Altogether
If you are experiencing eczema flare-ups or flare-ups of any other condition such as skin problems and allergies, there is a chance that it might not just be cow milk but dairy altogether (this includes cheese, yogurt, milk, and more). You may be one of the many people who suffer from a dairy allergy.
The best way to know exactly what the problem is, is to make note of your symptoms and speak with a doctor or specialist right away. Finding out what the problem is and/or how to treat the problem is key to living a more comfortable life.