Have a significant other you want to take out but find yourself short on cash? Taking your person out on a date shouldn’t always have to leave you searching for coins to pay the bill. Keeping the romance alive can be done anywhere, here are 5 inexpensive date ideas you can impress your boo with.
1. Museums
Pop-up museums, mint museums, and/or local artist museums are fun places to see and appreciate art from history or artists in the area. Let's not forget about the cute, trendy and Instagram-worthy pictures that can come from date night at the museum.
2. Airport Overlook
Airport overlooks are a cute way to be cuddled up, look at the stars, and connect with your date on a personal level while watching planes take off.
This date is super cheap (not including gas or food and snacks if bought) and gives you the chance to relax and bond with your significant other.
3. Parks and Botanical Gardens
You can't go wrong with nice weather, your best outside shoes, and sometimes some good food. Walking around a park or even playing at a playground like a kid again is a way to bring the inner child out of you and your date.
Some parks even have fields to play different sports or even a Botanical Garden to walk around and see how beautiful nature is.
4. Indoor Picnic
If the weather outside is not as ideal for a picnic, bring it inside. Whether you're making food or getting takeout, indoor picnics are cute and can be done anytime.
You can set some candles up for a dinner picnic or even get some canvas board and paint for a lunch and paint picnic. The combinations are endless.
5. Pizza Making
Out of all the dates, this may require a little bit of money. But it shouldn't cost you more than $10. Making pizzas is a cute way to make dinner and to check out your dates' cooking skills.
To spice it up, add some personal care to the date by making your own face masks. Getting pampered and eating handcrafted pizza is a great way to spend a night.
These few date ideas are a great way to add romance to your love life with your significant other or even just help you save some extra cash. Regardless of the reason, each date will be fun to experience!