Research shows that Black Americans may be more likely to have dry skin if they don’t moisturize properly. To make matters worse, it’s usually easier to tell when a Black person’s skin is dry. While there are multiple lotions and creams that you can use to do this, some of the most effective natural moisturizers might already be in your kitchen.
10 Natural Dry Skin Remedies
1. Avocado
Avocado isn’t just healthy when you eat it. Studies show that the high fat and antioxidant content are great for keeping your skin healthy when applied directly to dry areas. To use it, you can crush a ripe avocado to make a mask. You can also combine it with yogurt or honey for additional benefits.
2. Oatmeal
With this option, you would prepare an oatmeal bath by adding oatmeal powder to warm water. Oatmeal is known to soothe irritating skin by increasing its moisture so taking an oatmeal bath occasionally can give you some relief.
3. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil contains saturated fatty acids that give it the ability to act as an effective emollient. That means using it can fill in the gaps in your skin’s natural oils that might cause dry skin. To use coconut oil, you should apply it directly to the affected areas. While studies show that the oil is as helpful as petroleum jelly, it’s a potential allergen for some people so try it on a small section of your skin first.
4. Olive Oil
This is another oil that can increase your skin’s moisture. The only caveat with olive oil is that it’s a particularly heavy oil that can block your pores and lead to acne. It’s best to use it in small quantities on dry areas.
5. Honey
The good thing about honey is that it has moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties. That means it can help your skin heal while fighting dryness. Health experts recommend slathering it on your skin as desired.
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6. Aloe Vera
You might have heard of aloe vera being great for burns but it has other benefits too. Thanks to its soothing properties, aloe vera is not only effective for fighting dry skin but it can also ease redness and itchiness.
7. Milk
While milk can do wonders for your skin when you drink it, soaking the affected areas in dairy can also help to alleviate dry skin. However, studies still need to be done to determine its effectiveness.
8. Herbal Tea
Dry skin can be caused by inflammation so products that have anti-inflammatory properties are usually effective. Using cool, wet tea bags on affected areas can soothe dry skin and encourage moisture. Some great options are chamomile, jasmine, and green tea.
9. Sunflower Seed Oil
According to a recent study, sunflower seed oil can encourage hydration and a healthy skin barrier. Using it on your dry skin can help.
10. Pineapple Juice
Pineapples contain an enzyme known as bromelain. This enzyme encourages the shedding of dry skin and the accumulation of moisture. To use it, combine the juice with olive oil or honey so it can stick to the skin.
What Causes Dry Skin
Typically, you develop dry skin because you’ve lost a lot of moisture quickly. This loss can happen if your skin’s natural oils have been stripped or you’re not producing as much of it as you should. Some of the issues that can result in dry skin include cold weather, irritating skin products, harsh chemicals, excessive hot water, and using certain medications. It’s also been shown that you’re more likely to have dry skin as you age because the natural oils in your skin have been reduced. Additionally, having chronic conditions like kidney disease, diabetes, thyroid problems, and HIV can result in dry skin.
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Top Signs It’s Not Just Dry Skin
If you find that you always have dry skin regardless of what you do, it could mean that you have a skin condition that needs a doctor’s help. Some of the signs to look out for include persistently itchy skin, scaly skin, inflamed or red skin, unexplained rashes, cracked skin, and infected areas. It’s important to note that skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis can look a little different on Black skin. Instead of redness, the affected areas are more likely to be deep purple.
Dry skin can be very irritating so it’s good that there are natural ways to effectively deal with it. However, sometimes dry skin is a symptom of an underlying condition. If you’re having other skin issues that you can’t explain, it’s a good idea to talk to a dermatologist as soon as possible.