Alright, so you want that Colgate smile, but do you have the commitment to keep it? Most people don’t realize how important the simple step of flossing is to keeping their teeth healthy. I always get complimented on my teeth, and I love it because I spend so much time coddling them. You don’t get another set of teeth once you’re an adult, so people shouldn’t take them for granted!
First I will go over the simple steps of accomplishing a good floss:
1. Wrap the floss around your middle fingers so you can use your thumbs and forefingers to move the floss.
2. Gently push it between two teeth. I like to start from the back and move to center, then go to the other side in the back and to the middle again.
3. Once you are down in between the teeth you want to wrap the floss around the side of the tooth and slide it up and down. Do this a few times (GENTLY!), making sure to slightly go underneath the gum line.
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4. Rotate the floss periodically throughout your flossing session so that you are getting a clean piece.
5. If you are bleeding at the gum DO NOT STOP. This means that you have built up bacteria in the gums that need to be removed. Keep flossing and as you continue this routine daily, you will soon notice your gums will bleed less and less until they eventually stop. However, you should still make a dentist appointment for an exam.
Flossing Tips
1. Use the right kind of floss.
Get a good floss. Many people stop flossing for different reasons, like they don’t like the way it feels, it’s hard to get it down between their teeth, etc. Well, the great news is there are so many types of floss out there on the market that you can really just about find whatever it is you need to feel better about it. There are ultra thin flossing tools for those with teeth that are hard to get in between; there is softer floss, flavored floss and even flossing picks for convenience. Honestly, people, there really isn’t an excuse when it comes to your oral health!
2. Pack a travel bag.
How many times have I heard someone say they only brush and floss once a day? This is absurd! How many times do you put food in your mouth a day? The moment your teeth and mouth come in contact with food, gum, candy, etc. your teeth and mouth begin to collect bacteria which cause bad breath and plaque. I take a beauty case with me just about everywhere. I keep one in my car, and even one at my desk at work. This gives me no excuses as to why I can’t brush my teeth as many times a day as I’d like. I try to at least brush three times a day (morning, lunch and before bed).
3. There’s no replacement for flossing.
Look people, I cannot stress this enough: There is nothing, absolutely NOTHING that can replace flossing. Mouthwash is not an alternative! Yes, I know in the commercials they glamorize the ability that mouthwash has, and though it is a great oral aid, it does not give you the ability to neglect your teeth by not flossing.
Let’s take the pledge together and make sure we do it! Keep that smile shining bright!
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