It’s that time of the month again. The fatigue, bloating, mood swings, cramps and cravings – are real y'all! And you are not alone. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 85 percent of women experience at least one of these symptoms each month!
So what’s one major way you can ease your pesky, persistent PMS symptoms? Food! In fact, the following foods may alleviate your symptoms altogether:
This healthy fat contains potassium, a mineral that acts as a natural diuretic, sweeping excess sodium and fluid out of your body.
Potassium also helps protect against muscle cramps, and it boosts feelings of feeling full. Considering most women take in 200 to 500 more calories a day (while PMS’n), a little satiety could do us some good!
Dark Chocolate
It’s true! Dark chocolate is your best friend when it comes to easing PMS symptoms. Containing antioxidants, magnesium and unique natural substances that may enhance mood, this sweet treat does everything from lower blood pressure, improve circulation and reduce stress hormone levels to alleviate bloating, irritability, fatigue
Lean meats
Lean cuts of meat like turkey and chicken (even some cuts of beef) are rich in B12 – a natural energy booster. Plus, the protein will help you stay alert.
Calcium-rich foods
Calcium-rich foods include low-fat or soy milk, cheese, yogurt, and fortified orange juice. By consuming at least three servings of calcium-rich foods each day, you can reduce the chances of developing PMS.
As for how these foods reduce symptoms, according to Rebecca Kolp, MD, Medical Director of Mass General West in Waltham, Mass, “calcium works in the brain to relieve depressive symptoms or anxiety, and vitamin D may also influence emotional changes.”
Colorful fruits and veggies
Fiber-packed fruits and veggies, like whole grains, brown rice, oatmeal, apples, mango, bananas, and pomegranate, can significantly lower the risk of PMS.
How does it work? Recent research discovered that women with a higher intake of vitamin B1 and B2, experience few to no symptoms.
RELATED: Essential Oils For Allergy Relief, PMS & More
On the flip side, here are some big diet don’ts
While shifting levels of hormones estrogen and progesterone (which can also lead to a decrease in serotonin in your brain) may tempt you to drown yourself in a pint of Ben & Jerry’s, experts suggest you opt for whole grains.
Consuming excessive amounts of that sweet cane can trigger PMS symptoms.
Reduce unsightly bloating by cutting back on salt. Though this may be a challenge considering anything and everything that comes in a bag, box or bottle contains sodium, this is where making healthy lifestyle choices comes into play. Reach for something colorful like the fruits and veggies I mentioned above.
Although there’s no substantial research backing this, some experts claim drinking large amounts of coffee can worsen PMS symptoms altogether.