In praying for the sick person, we can be spontaneous and improvise prayer for healing. While kneeling is the traditional way to pray, we can assume any posture that is most comfortable for us—sitting, kneeling, or standing—where we can best concentrate on the presence of God. We turn our hearts and minds to our Lord & Savior; we know that it is only through the Creator's love that anything will happen. After welcoming their presence and praising God, we then can begin to put forth our ask.
Most ministers of healing suggest that we be specific in our prayer, that we visualize as clearly as possible what we are asking God to heal. For instance, if we are praying for the healing of a broken bone we can ask the Father (or Jesus) to take away every infection, to stimulate the growth of the cells needed to restore the bone, and to fill in any breaks. Such a specific request seems to make our faith that much more real, as we see in our imagination what we are praying for. It also can stimulate the faith of the sick person as he/she listens and pictures what we are asking God to accomplish in reality. This actually helps the one being prayed for be a part of the prayer, even without saying anything at all.
Here is a good example:
In 2006, a Missouri mother is saying the power of prayer brought her son back to life after he was dead for 45 minutes. But, the teen didn't just survive the accident, he's thriving.
Dr. Kent Sutterer and his team performed CPR on John for 27 minutes with no success. The question was raised: how long should they continue?
His mother then came into the room and started praying loudly.
What happened next, defies explanation.
"I don't remember what all I said," recalls John's mother, Joyce Smith. "But I remember, 'Holy God, please send your Holy Spirit to save my son. I want my son, please save him,'" she said.
"They hadn't been getting a pulse at that time, so all of a sudden I heard them saying, 'We got a pulse, we got a pulse.'"
And the impossible happened: his heart restarted.
If we believe that God answers our prayers always (not always as we think he will, but nevertheless always), we naturally will have a heartfelt desire to thank him. We can thank him even during the prayer: “I thank you, Lord,...
... that even now you are sending you healing love and power into Bill and are answering our prayer.” Our attitude should be that of St. Paul: “There is no need to worry but if there is anything you need, pray for it, asking God for it with prayer and thanksgiving” (Philippians 4:6).
Here are some examples of prayers that some of our fans have used:
Dear God,
It hurts so bad. Dull the pain with Your love. Blur the sharp edges by reminding me that from bad comes good. Help me appreciate that after the sorrow, joy is sweeter. I look forward to better times. I can endure anything with You by my side.
Merciful God,
I offer prayers for those who are wanting. Those with broken hearts and broken lives. Bless them with healing. Change their circumstances. Cause peace and prosperity to come to them in abundance. I, who have plenty, pray that I may share the richness of my soul, even as I share my resources.
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