Summer networking in college is the most crucial time in your life to do so. Many of you probably never exercised this skill or even feel comfortable doing so. Networking is a valuable skill that can help you build professional relationships.
Networking in college is very important because this is a great opportunity to get to know individuals from different walks of life. You could look at networking as making professional friends.
Building these kinds of connections could open a wide range of opportunities. Below are a few tips on how to network and maintain these relationships.
Set Clear Goals For Summer Networking
Before you take the initiative to start networking, take the time to set your clear intentions. Are you looking for a new job? Seeking mentorship? Or trying to expand your industry knowledge?
Not knowing what you’re looking to achieve could lead to no or little results. Setting these clear goals will help you focus your efforts and tailor your interactions accordingly.
Be Authentic
Being authentic is the most important thing when it comes to building meaningful relationships. Be yourself and show a genuine interest in getting to know the individual.
Don’t approach networking with the sole purpose of gaining something from the interaction. Instead, you should focus on building real connections.
Being yourself is the best way to go about these connections because it helps you create an authentic bond within your network.
Attend Events & Join Summer Networking
The best way to network is by immersing yourself in the field. Attend industry events, workshops, seminars, etc. This will give you the opportunity to network with like-minded people who are in a professional setting.
An extra tip will be getting involved with online communities, too. Joining online platforms that are related to your field of interest expands your playing ground to talk with more people.
Going to events of your interest will give you the upper-handed feeling that everyone is there to gain some connection. Furthermore, everyone there has at least one thing in common with you.
Practice Active Listening
When engaging in conversations, make sure you’re actively listening. Pay attention to what others around you are saying. Give non-verbal and verbal feedback to make them feel comfortable.
Ask follow-up questions, make personal connections, and ensure you’re leaving the conversation with good energy. Not practicing active listening could result in the other person not feeling heard or having a genuine connection with you.
This not only demonstrates you are interested but helps you understand their needs. Maybe you can assist them in some way.
Offer Value & Help While Summer Networking
Networking isn’t only about what people can do for you. You should also be looking to help others. It’s a two-way street. Offering your value will allow others to want your help and willingness to help you.
It gives a safe space of knowing it’s an equal exchange for both parties. Look for ways to offer value to your connections before asking for something in return. This could involve sharing relevant resources, connecting them with someone else, or providing your knowledge.
Building a reputation as someone who also brings something to the table will help create grounds for trustworthiness. Everyone around you will be down to assist you, too.
The most essential thing in this article is networking isn’t a one-time thing. Networking is an ongoing process that builds over time. Prioritizing being consistent with these connections will be essential.
It’s not just about connecting business cards or adding contacts on social media. It’s about building meaningful relationships that could benefit both parties in the long run.