There comes a time in every couple’s life when the desire to begin a family sets in and for the traditional family the process to procreate is typically simple, but what options are available to the non-traditional couple who wants the organic feel of conception without a male partner present? Yes, I’m speaking about lesbian couples. In vitro and surrogacy are available options for same-sex couples with dreams of welcoming children into their homes, but these family planning processes can run the average couple thousands of dollars before producing a result. And while using a turkey baster is a viable and inexpensive option to facilitate conception, the process is not at all sexy.
Well, where there is a problem there is a solution to cover its tracks, and thanks to a new sex toy called “The Semenette” conception for the lesbian couple just became sexier and less expensive.
The Semenette is what sex toy enthusiasts would describe as a “squirting dildo” based on its abilities to mimic the ejaculatory process, but unlike many of its lesser counterparts this dildo features a design crafted from the best materials sex toys can offer.
Manufactured in America from 100% medical grade silicone and available in three flesh toned colors, the semenette comes with detachable and disposable parts that eliminate consumer’s concerns about toxicity or contamination. The size of the product is large enough to fit in a traditional harness and was designed for one partner to wear during intimacy.
So how exactly does the Semenette work? The dildo is threaded through the shaft using one of the three tubes provided with the toy. A custom tip goes into the top of the tubing and a bulb attaches at the other end. The fluid being used in the dildo - whether it’s semen, lubricant or water - is drawn into the tube and the custom tip is placed on the end to lock the tubing in place while the dildo is in action. When it’s time for ejaculation the bulb is squeezed and the squirting action completes its job. It really is that simple.
The idea to create a high quality dildo that is not only pleasurable but functional was the brainchild of Stephanie Berman, a mother of a two-year-old daughter who she successfully conceived with her wife thanks to functionality of her own invention.
Berman has been working in women’s reproductive health for over 11 years alongside her mother in their family business that supplies medical devices for assisted reproductive technologies. Her inspiration to create the Semenette was fueled by her own desires to begin a family and from the growing demand of lesbian couples seeking an effective and cost efficient way to reproduce.
“When I got married to my wife in 2011 and we wanted to start a family we didn’t have the resources to go to a doctor’s office,” Berman states in her conversation with me about her invention. The couple wanted to keep their experience private and intimate, and when it came down to inseminating their options were less than appealing. “Our only options for getting pregnant at home were using a turkey baster or a needle and syringe, and it’s so staged, there’s no level of intimacy or romance involved.” After a few years of research and a year of developing and testing the perfect prototype, Stephanie released the first version of the Semenette.Since its debut on the market, the Semenette has been embraced by many outside of the LGBT community, including the BDSM, transgendered, kink and fetish communities, and has aided in 15 successful conceptions according to feedback Berman has received from her personal friends. “I’ve invented something that I know works,” she mentions when asked about how her product is being received by the public. “The response has been incredible! I only had vision of this being used by same sex couples like myself, but once I started talking to stores, buyers and developers in the sex toy industry people became excited about this product because there aren’t many on the market.”
Stephanie’s success in due in part to her hands on approach with her brand and her openness to be completely available to her customer base. “I always make myself available to my customers and lend myself as a resource because I’ve used this product. My number is right on my website so people can reach me directly with their questions.”
The Semenette is currently in its second stage of prototyping to produce a “non-realistic” version created from a softer silicon blend available in four basic colors. This Semenette V2 is currently being supported by an Indiegogo fund and intends to meet the demands of lesbians who have complained about the first version’s realistic phallic appearance.
The LGBT community has made its way into mainstream spotlight and Stephanie couldn’t be more thrilled about the timely release of her invention. “My partner and I actually successfully conceived our daughter with this,” States Berman. “I’m not just trying to sell you something. This is something that I wholeheartedly believe in and push because I’ve used it myself, and that lends a lot to people’s security and confidence in the product. The fact that I can sit here and say that I developed this product on my own and thought of every little detail and was able to successfully use it, I think it sets the standards that I have set in providing people with a quality product.”
You can find the Semenette on its official website for just under $140.
Glamazon Tyomi is a freelance writer, model and sex educator with a deeply rooted passion for spreading the message of sex positivity and encouraging the masses to embrace their sexuality. Her website,, reaches internationally as a source for advice and information for the sexually active/curious. Follow her on Twitter at @glamazontyomi and the all-new “Glamazon Tyomi’s Sex Academy” radio show here.