Q: What can I do to strengthen my urinary tract? - M. G.
A: I believe the condition you are asking about is overactive bladder. I have a few tips that may help you to manage your overactive bladder symptoms and strengthen a weak bladder:
1. Try to space out your fluids throughout the day and have a glass of water between meals. Sometimes when people reduce their water intake it makes them go more often to rid the body of excess waste.
2. Try to cut out or limit caffeine and alcohol consumption. They are both stimulants and diuretics, so you may experience increased urination along with powerful urges to go.
3. Avoid artificial sweeteners. They can aggravate both urinary urges and frequency. Artificial sweeteners are a common method of decreasing your sugar and calorie intake. Despite these benefits, sweeteners like acesulfame K, aspartame, and sodium saccharine can be bad for your bladder
4. Kegel exercises help strengthen pelvic floor muscles to reduce leaks and urges. Kegels work by squeezing pelvic floor muscles as if you’re trying to stop urinating. You should do these exercises 3 to 4 times a day for best results.
You can also try wearing vaginal weights to enhance Kegel exercise performance. They are small, cone-shaped weights that you insert into the vagina. You have to contract your pelvic floor muscles to hold the weights in place, which strengthens the bladder.
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5. Losing weight will also help because the extra weight around the abdomen and hips places extra pressure on your pelvic muscles, increasing urination.
6. Try to go to the bathroom on a schedule even if you do not feel the urge to go.
If you are still having problems with overactive bladder after trying some of these home remedies. Please keep track of your symptoms. If you are still having problems with overactive bladder after trying some of these home remedies, see a urologist to discuss what is causing this condition as well as solutions.
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