For millions of African Americans, relief for diabetic nerve pain could start with their next healthy meal. According to the American Diabetes Association, nearly half of all people with diabetes have some form of nerve damage. If you suffer from the numbness, tingling and burning sensations in your hands, legs and feet that characterize diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN), adding more B vitamins to your diet could help delay further nerve damage.
Glucose and your nerves
The main cause of DPN is having an excess of glucose in the blood, known as hyperglycemia. When your body can't utilize insulin properly, or when not enough insulin circulates in the blood, hyperglycemia occurs. This can damage the blood vessels over time, preventing them from supplying the nerves with nutrients and critically needed oxygen.
The power of B vitamins
B vitamins help the process your body uses to get or make energy from the food you eat. They also help form red blood cells. You can get B vitamins from proteins such as fish, poultry, meat, eggs, and dairy products. Leafy green vegetables, beans, and peas also have B vitamins. Many cereals and some breads have added B vitamins.
Although B vitamins will not eliminate DPN, these vitamins have been shown to diminish burning pain. Three B vitamins in particular - B 12, B1 and B 6 have shown benefits.B12
A study published in the journal Acta Neurologica Taiwanica found that vitamin B-12 supplements minimized common DPN symptoms, including tingling, pain, numbness and burning. Although some effectiveness in lessening pain was shown, more human studies are necessary.
Foods high in B12: Liver, mackerel, skim milk, beef
A lack of B vitamins can lead to other health conditions, such as anemia. A lack of B1 (thiamine) could lead to diabetic complications like DPN. Researchers from the University of Essex in England found a connection between a lack of B1 vitamins and the development of hyperglycemia.
Foods high in B1: Trout, lean pork, sunflower seeds, macadamia nuts, green peas
B6 has been shown in studies to also help with reducing DPN symptoms. In one study, Type 2 diabetics who took a B6 supplement for four months reported less neuropathic pain at the end of the study.
Foods high in B6: Cooked tuna, sunflower seeds, lean beef, avocadoes