Ever gone for a run and had to stop and gasp for air? What about walking up a flight of stairs and stopping along the way to catch your breath? I think most people have been there; however, it’s a standard action by many, especially if we’re not living a physically active lifestyle. Though ordinary, it’s no lie - breathing issues can be scary. While some people are born with breathing problems, others develop them over time for various reasons such as health, environmental changes, air pollution, etc.
When it comes to breathing problems, there are six main types we should be familiar with: hyperventilation, dyspnea, bradypnea, tachypnea, hyperpnea, and Kussmaul breathing. WebMD explains how each impacts our health and their associated risk factors.
It’s imperative to know that not everyone who suffers from breathing problems is asthmatic. According to MedlinePlus, Asthma is a chronic (long-term) lung disease.
It affects your airways, the tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs.
When you have asthma, your airways can become inflamed and narrowed. This can cause wheezing, coughing, and tightness in your chest. Many factors can trigger asthma and cause an attack, like allergic reactions to dust, mold, pollen, pollution, cold air, tobacco, etc.
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Could weight gain cause asthma?
So, what about weight gain? Can obesity or excess weight gain be a factor in developing asthma over time?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, obesity is a risk factor for developing asthma! It can also worsen the impact of asthma and make it more difficult to control for those currently living with it.
In the Black community, when some people are heavy, they say they are "big-boned" or "thick," and at times, that thickness is appreciated, modeled, and praised! But, where is the line drawn between "being thick vs. being obese?" The status for determining obesity is measured by Body Mass Index (BMI in kilograms per meter squared), which is calculated by dividing the respondent's weight by height.
For instance, a person who weighs 183 pounds and is 6'3" is classified as having an average weight; however, a person who weighs 183 pounds at 5'3" is classified as obese. So, though "thickness" may be celebrated, it can cause more harm than good.
How to avoid asthma induced by obesity
To ensure you’re taking the proper steps to avoid asthma induced by obesity,
- Eat a balanced diet of protein, fruit, and vegetables, and yes - good carbs are your friend.
- Exercise at least 3-5 times a week since it could drastically increase heart and lung health while managing your weight.
- Get at least 20 minutes of fresh air per day.
- Infuse vitamins and minerals in your diet.
- Eliminate stress - stress is known as the silent killer. It can impact so many areas of your life, causing cravings, increased sickness, fatigue, and loss of interest in essential things.
So, the next time you walk, run, or hike up a flight of stairs and notice the insatiable desire to gasp for air, ask yourself: How healthy are my heart and lungs? Have I picked up weight? Is my shortness of breath caused by a lack of physical activity? Or am I on the brink of developing asthma induced by obesity?
Know the facts, observe your body and win the fight before it comes to you or your loved ones - obesity can cause asthma, but that's a battle you can win before it even knocks on your door!