Finding the best flight deals, the perfect hotel - there's more than enough things to worry about when getting ready to travel. But, an often overlooked condition could unexpectedly turn your vacay into a medical emergency. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when blood clots form in the deep veins of the legs after sitting in a confined space or being immobile for a long period of time. In the worst circumstances, the leg can become so swollen that an individual is unable to bend their knee or ankle, and they may even have long-term difficulty walking or exercising.
DVT is the third most common cardiovascular disease in North America and it's estimated that as many as 900,000 new cases will be diagnosed in the United States each year. Long distance travel is most associated with a risk of developing DVT.
"The so-called 'economy class syndrome' is where long-distance travelers are mobilized for prolonged periods of time. They might find themselves dehydrated and as soon as the trip is done they might get up to try and walk around and they notice that their leg is severely swollen and painful. And unfortunately, they end up being diagnosed with a large blood clot in their leg," Robert Lookstein, professor or radiology and surgery of Mount Sinai, told in a recent interview.
Although long flights and road trips are commonly associated with DVT, there are several other factors that can put even the non-traveler at increased risk for DVT. These include:
- A severe illness
- A severe injury
- Any surgery that requires prolonged bed rest
- Smoking
- Being overweight or obese
- Certain medications, specifically hormonal-based medications
- Family history of blood clots
READ: 5 Simple Ways To Prevent A Blood Clot
Although many people with DVT blood clots will recover completely, according to Lookstein, there are two distinct complications of DVT everyone should be aware of. The first, and most widely recognized, is pulmonary embolism (PE). This is when the blood clot breaks of out of the vein and travels up toward the heart, blocking circulation to the lungs. PE can be a life-threatening diagnosis and patients frequently need to be hospitalized for it.
A lesser known complication of a blood clot is a chronic condition known as post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS) and up to 50% of people with DVT will develop PTS. PTS occurs when a a blood clots damages the valves in your veins and inhibits the natural flow of blood to the lungs. As Lookstein explained, the leg is chronically swollen for years and is painful, making it difficult to walk or exercise.
"This can really diminish an otherwise healthy patient's quality of life and it can be quite devastating."
This makes early diagnosis of DVT critical and as Lookstein shared, "diagnosis has never been easier." If you have concerns of DVT, it's best to contact your doctor immediately. A diagnosis can be made in the doctor's office with a simple blood test or a ultrasound.
Medication consisting of blood thinners is the likely course of treatment. Lookstein stated, "Blood thinners have been shown to reduce, if not eliminate, risk of developing a pulmonary embolism. However, they don't make the blood clot in the leg go away, and so patients are still at risk for developing this chronic post-thrombotic syndrome, limiting the functionality of the leg affected by the blood clot."
Another suggested option is a new minimally invasive procedure that extracts the blood clot from the leg. Now, this can be done as outpatient or ambulatory surgery instead of a three or four day hospital stay. "This restores normal circulation to the patient, gets them back on their feet again and almost immediately eliminates their symptoms."
"Stay as active as you possibly can," is what Lookstein advises all of his patients. If you're on a long flight, get up every few hours and walk the aisles. If traveling by car, pull over, stretch your legs or walk around five to 10 minutes. Get the blood circulating!
In addition to moving more, avoid caffeinated and alcoholic beverages. It's best to stay well hydrated with lots of water. Proper hydration has been proven to reduce the risk of blood clots associated with long distance travel. On the bright side, all the extra water will certainly help you get you out your seat more for bathroom breaks!
For more information on the latest DVT news and resources to help reduce your risk, click here.