Ladies, I know you’re getting tired of saying, “roll over!,” or better yet, I know you’re getting tired of trying to fall asleep first because bae’s snoring is out of control. I have some solutions for him and you today. I don't want to be presumptive, but a few of y'all snore real bad. That’s neither here nor there for the moment. About 50% of people snore and it's causing a lot of sleepless nights.
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There are many factors that contribute to snoring. Age, sex, weight, body/neck position and alcohol usage are the main risk factors that increase snoring, according to the American Sleep Association. As we get older we tend to snore more. Grandpa Vernon didn’t always snore like a chimney.
Men are more prone to snoring than women. When it comes to Black men, a study conducted by Dr. Wayne Rowley revealed that sleep apnea in Black men is more severe than in other races.
Studies have shown that there is a strong relationship between BMI (body mass index), obesity and snoring. Black men younger than 40 years old showed increased signs of sleep apnea compared to White men with the same body mass index.
It’s time to reclaim your sanity and sleep. Here are some tips to get rid of snoring once and for all.
No alcohol before bed.
According to the Mayo Clinic, alcohol consumption can make you snore. Alcohol relaxes the throat muscles and lessens your body’s natural defense against airway obstruction.
You’ve seen it firsthand. Your homie gets home after a night on the town and you say to yourself, “That Yack is about to have buddy laid out.” Blame it on the alcohol because it will have your throat too loose. Friends don’t let friends drink before bed.
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Sleep on your side.
Sleeping on your side isn’t only called the “fetal position," it’s called the “supine/back position.”
When you sleep on your back, it can obstruct the breathing pathways, which are necessary to breathe easier while sleeping. If these pathways are blocked snoring becomes a result of that. Roll on over to your side! See, your boo wasn’t telling you that to be mean. It works!
Use oral appliances.
You can always ask your dentist about oral appliances that will help curb snoring. These oral devices work by bringing the lower jaw forward relative to the upper jaw and widening the upper airway behind the tongue, promoting smooth airway passages for breathing.
This movement opens and widens the upper airway behind the tongue. You can also try nasal strips over your nose or a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine if you have sleep apnea to help push air into the back of the throat.
Adjust your neck position.
Buying pillows that extend the neck are beneficial in widening the upper breathing airways. Anytime obstruction happens, snoring will occur.
Buying the right type of pillows that support your neck are essential to getting rid of the sleepy hollows that drive your loved one crazy.
Lose weight.
You have to keep your weight down. Plain and simple. A lot of our ailments have to do with how healthy we are. Weight is one indicator of health.
According to the CDC, a normal BMI is 18.5-24.9. An overweight BMI lies between 25-29.9. Anything above that is obese. You want to stay in the normal range to stay clear of snoring. Clean eating (no processed foods, no sugar, no fried foods, fruits and vegetables) and daily exercise can get you back right in no time.
If you believe your snoring or your partner's snoring is linked to a sleep disorder, see your physician.