Have you been playing the Google memory game and noticed you’re getting worse each passing day? A lot of the time, your memory can deteriorate without warning, but there is a way to fight back.
This article introduces 8 foods that can get your brain back in working order and improve your top score in those memory exercises. You may even be shocked to learn that some of your daily favorites have been helping your memory all along.
Starting your day with a cup of coffee is a no-brainer. It gets your motor running early in the morning and helps you remember everything you need to do before you head into the office. Numerous studies have found that caffeine can positively impact your short and long-term memory.
Turmeric is another fan favorite for those trying to live a healthy lifestyle because of its vast benefits. On top of improved memory, turmeric can help with inflammation because of its antioxidants, but it can also help arthritis, liver disease, and many other ailments.
Don't be afraid to put turmeric powder in your next dish or make a smoothie with the beneficial spice. Turmeric tea is also a popular option if you want something warm.
Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds are abundant during the fall season thanks to the festive activities centered around the scary fruit. It has a profound impact on memory because of the zinc and magnesium components that lie within it.
With that in mind, add a few more pumpkin seeds to that pumpkin pie recipe during the fall get-togethers so everyone can receive the wonderful benefits.
Oh, broccoli, every small child's worst nightmare. If only little kids knew that broccoli could help them remember why they should eat it in the first place, they’d be better off.
In all seriousness, broccoli is a part of the leafy green family, known for its ability to improve memory. This is primarily because of the lutein, vitamin K, and beta-carotene elements within the food group.
RELATED: Eat Broccoli To Help Manage Diabetes
If broccoli is a little kid’s worst nightmare, chocolate is their first obsession. Well, luckily for them, chocolate also helps with memory and keeping your head on straight during bouts of brain fog.
Research has shown that consuming chocolate can improve your verbal episodic memory 2 hours after you eat it. Episodic memory helps you remember events in your life, such as where you placed your keys or what you bought from the store.
Oranges are another tasty treat that can help your brain when you can’t find your way. This is primarily because the orange fruit has citric acid, which has been found to slow memory deterioration.
These benefits are great for early-onset dementia patients who could have Alzheimer's. So don't be afraid to get extra orange juice in the morning because it helps you remember to feed your pet before you leave.
RELATED: 4 Exercises to Aid in Strengthening Your Memory foods that improve memory
Green Tea
Who doesn't love a cup of green tea when they feel sick or lounging around the house? Well, now you have another reason to drink it religiously: the healing tea can boost memory.
Green tea is full of caffeine and a molecule called L-theanine, the substances responsible for giving your brain the stuff it needs. You only have to ensure it is regular green tea, not those innocent-looking green tea shots.
RELATED: 5 Healthy Types Of Tea Your Body Will Thank You for
Last but certainly not least on our list is eggs. Eggs have many other benefits besides improving memory, so it's always a good idea to crack open a few and make an omelet.
This breakfast staple boosts long and short-term memory because of the choline within the yolks. On top of making your brain sharper, it can also reduce inflammation, lessening any pain you may have.