If you're trying to burn fat, an incline treadmill may be just what you need.
One of women's biggest requests when going into a new workout plan is how to lose weight and firm up without bulking up.
Well, here it is. Your new body is all thanks to a great, fat-burning unorthodox incline treadmill routine.
Here's an incline treadmill workout to help you lose weight. The good news is that you'll also be able to keep the curves.
Note: Be sure to slow your speed to 2 mph or lower before changing directions. Then, increase your speed as you become comfortable.
RELATED: 5 Easy Treadmill Routines (That Really Work)
First 8 Minutes on the Incline Treadmill:
Warm-up: Walk at a moderate pace (about 3.0-3.5 mph).
Then perform each of the following moves for 2 minutes (total of 20 minutes)*:
*Remember, you can burn even more fat if you increase your incline.
You can always bring it up and bring it back down until you can do an increased incline for the entire workout*
- Shuffle: Turn to the left and walk sideways, like you're shuffling, hands-on-hips (about 2.0-2.5 mph).
- Walk briskly (normal form, about 3.5-4.0 mph for 30 seconds)
- Shuffle, facing right side (2 minutes).
- Then, walk briskly (30 seconds).
- Shuffle, facing left side (2 minutes).
- Again, walk briskly (30 seconds).
- Shuffle, facing right side (2 minutes).
- Time to walk briskly (30 seconds).
- Walk backward (reduce speed as much as necessary and slowly increase it as you acclimate - 2 minutes).
- This is your last time. Walk briskly (30 seconds).
For the last 5 Minutes:
You're almost there! It's almost over! Now it's time to cool down. Walk at a moderate pace (about 3.0-3.5 mph) for about 3 minutes when you feel your heart rate start to slow down to a normal beat.
Think about what you just accomplished. Now think about how much more you can do.
This is only the beginning. A great incline treadmill workout can have you feeling like a new person.
Track your progress. Acknowledge the minutes you spent burning the fat away and tapping into another level of who you can become.
How do you feel? Breathe.
You're done!
Visit the BlackDoctor.org Fitness center for more articles and tips.