You know you’ve got a concern and you’re doing your best.
Sometimes, everything feels good and under control. But sometimes, it’s far from it. You might let things slip. You might forget to check your blood sugar, splurge on some ‘naughty’ food, or not get your regular check-ups when you’re supposed to.
Whatever it is, living with diabetes can be a challenging journey. Black folks especially know this better than most. According to the American Diabetes Association, roughly 13 percent of non-Hispanic Blacks 20 years and older are diagnosed with diabetes. Of those diagnoses, over 90 percent are Type 2. Black folks are also more likely to experience severe complications, including everything from limb amputations to kidney disease and vision loss.
Fortunately, there are life-saving resources that can help. Worried about your diabetes? Simply want to learn more? Let’s explore four fantastic resources that can make a real difference.
1. African American Diabetes Association (AADA)
The AADA is a beacon of support for the Black diabetic community. It is chock full of culturally sensitive education, as well as all kinds of resources and advocacy networks to help Black diabetics. Looking for tailored educational materials? Hoping to connect with support groups or community events in your area? The AADA provides comprehensive solutions for managing and treating diabetes. It’s easy to get empowered and on your way to healthier living with the AADA.
The best part is, they understand you. Deeply involved in the Black community, the AADA understands how you feel about healthcare. They understand how your issues with health and wellness differ from others – what Black patients just like you want and need when visiting a doctor.
Check out their resources and see for yourself!
RELATED: Health Disparities and Diabetes in the Black Community
2. DiabetesSisters for In-Person PODS Meetups
This national non-profit organization is dedicated to supporting women struggling with diabetes. One of its most invaluable resources is the PODS Meetup program. This innovative offering allows women nationwide to participate in an array of support groups, educational seminars, and lifestyle coaching sessions. From expert webinar series to workshops on kidney health, it’s all there! Looking to exchange tips for managing diabetes or find solidarity with your fellow sisters? DiabetesSisters definitely has you covered.
(3) The Diabetes Care & Education Specialists (ADCES)
Are you, yourself, involved in the healthcare field?
With the ADCES, you can nourish both your mind and body. This professional membership organization is fully dedicated to advancing the role of diabetes educators throughout the nation. You’ll discover everything you need to know, from learning the core tenets of diabetes management, using new insulin pumps, treating food as a medicine, attending conferences, and more. If you’re not a medical professional but know one in your family or friend group, ADCES is the perfect platform.
It’s a great place for providers of all kinds, whether pharmacists, dietitians, nurses, nurse practitioners, or anyone else!
4. Church-Based Programs
The role of the church in the Black community cannot be overstated. Places of worship have long served as pillars of support, and you may be surprised to learn, that many are also taking proactive steps to address health issues. Depending on your community, many church-based programs help with diabetes prevention and management. These friendly grassroots efforts can encompass everything from weekly courses to weekend fundraising events. By partnering with local healthcare providers, churches serve critical roles in helping the diabetic communities.
When disparities in healthcare arise, church-based programs are among some of the first to get involved. When combined with everyday practical solutions, your faith can make all the difference
Tying It All Together
Now just imagine what happens when you interweave all of these resources. If you can leverage the expertise and support offered by organizations such as these, there’s no telling what you can do. Whether you’re closely monitoring your diabetes and have it locked down, or don’t even have the condition yourself but just want to learn more, these resources are invaluable. Thanks to the AADA, DiabetesSisters, ADCES, and church-based programs, Black diabetics can reap all the advantages they need.
The best part is, that others have been there. No matter your struggle – severe and debilitating or minor and tolerable – there are people just like you.
Aren’t a social person? Prefer learning on your own rather than meeting up at some function? The four aforementioned services can do that too. With convenient website layouts, accessible links, and plenty of videos and images, these sources of information can meet any person’s needs.
Go online and browse the websites. Shoot an email. Fill out a contact form. Call a number. There are numerous ways you can connect, whether directly or indirectly, to chart your course toward a healthier, safer, happier future.