Combats free radicals
When pit against free radicals – which can cause damage to parts of the cell such as DNA and membranes – to see how well certain foods would respond, cocoa and dark chocolate were found to have a high ORAC level (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity). In other words, they’re loaded with antioxidants like polyphenols, flavanols, and catechins, among others, which can combat free radical damage, also called “oxidative damage.”
Lowers blood pressure
Countless dietary studies indicate that regular consumption of foods rich in cocoa reduce blood pressure as well as improve blood flow in the arteries. This is due to the treats extraordinary concentration of flavonoids. This diverse group of plant compounds found in many fruits and veggies, have been linked to a host of health benefits including cancer, neurodegenerative, and cardiovascular disease prevention; as well as anti-inflammatory and immune system boosting properties.
Improves risk factors for disease
By lowering oxidized LDL cholesterol levels (bad cholesterol in men) dark chocolate may improve insulin sensitivity, a common risk factor for diseases like cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
In one short-term study of 470 elderly men, researchers found that cocoa intake reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease by a shocking 50 percent over a 15-year period.
Another study, claimed that chomping down on dark chocolate 2 or more times a week, lowered the risk of heart disease by just shy over 57 percent.
Great for your skin
While some don’t have the best reaction to chocolate in general (ahem… breakouts). Studies show that flavanols found in dark chocolate can improve blood flow to the skin as well as protect your dermis from unsightly sun damage.
In one study, conducted in two groups of women – one group consuming high flavanol cocoa water for 12 weeks – the latter group consuming a lower dose. Participants in the high flavanol group reportedly saw a significant decrease in roughness, scaling and peeling when compared to those in the low flavanol cocoa group.
According to yet another trial, regular consumption of flavanol rich chocolate boasts significant photoprotection and in turn, making it an effective tool for protecting human skin from harmful UV rays.
Brain food
In one study of 5 healthy participants, indulging in high-flavanol cocoa improved blood flow to the brain. The significance? Blood circulation isn’t just vital for your survival. But, blood carries much needed oxygen, fuel, and nutrients to the organs, including the brain!
When evaluating the relationship between cerebral blood flow and a single dose (450 mg flavanols) of flavanol-rich cocoa, findings show that flavanol-rich cocoa can increase the cerebral blood flow to gray matter. In other words, it has the potential to treat vascular impairments, such as dementia and stroke — thus maintaining brain health.
The Takeaway
There’s endless evidence that dark chocolate, containing high levels of flavanols, can provide powerful health benefits. However, it’s important to note, that moderation is key!