Coughing, wheezing, struggling for air – if you or someone you love suffers from COPD, you already know. But did you know that certain foods might be worsening these symptoms?
Because COPD can be caused by a cluster of conditions, such as chronic emphysema, it’s a little more complex than people think. Medical issues like high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, and even everyday fatigue may trigger your COPD, which is why food plays such a critical role.
You are what you eat, and since nutrition and diet are linked to so many conditions, it’s no wonder they also affect COPD.
Fortunately, it doesn’t take any major, life-altering changes. Eating healthy is simply a daily habit. Once you get the momentum going, it’s basically second nature. The hardest part is starting!
So let’s start with those aspects of your diet that you can eliminate. Here are 6 foods you may not realize are triggering your COPD.
1. Salty Soups
Excessive sodium is bad for anyone, but especially for people with COPD. Processed and frozen foods like soups, beans, pizza, and chips can all be loaded with salt, so cutting down on these foods is critical.
When individuals with COPD ingest too much salt, their bodies retain fluid, which can trigger high blood pressure in their lung arteries, worsening symptoms.
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2. Alcohol
Look, there’s nothing wrong with having an adult beverage or two from time to time. Especially when your stress levels are high. But you have to be mindful. Drinking regularly and binge drinking are linked to all kinds of health problems.
For sufferers of COPD, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to respiratory illnesses such as pneumonia and RSV, a virus circulating widely right now. Alcohol also reduces your breathing rate and makes it harder to excrete mucus. Not good if you have COPD!
3. Bacon
You probably don’t want to hear this one, especially if you enjoy bacon and eggs for breakfast. Fortunately, you can still enjoy your cured and processed meats, you just have to be smart.
Sausages, bacon, lunch meats – they’re all high in salt, saturated fats, and nitrites. In excess, these three components can hurt lung function, trigger high blood pressure, and raise your bad cholesterol levels. So, before you chow down on some delicious meats, remember: moderation moderation moderation.
4. French Fries
Fried foods – whether chicken, funnel cake, french fries, or anything else – can be particularly bad for people with COPD. This is why it’s better to opt for baking than frying.
When we consume fried foods, we’re taking on high levels of fats. These fats not only cause bloating and indigestion (which is bad for breathing) but also jack up the risk of stroke and heart issues. Not to mention weight problems! So rather than pile on the fat and tax your ticker, cut back on the cooking oils and deep fryers.
5. Coca-Cola
Jam-packed with sugar and unnatural ingredients, drinks like Coke can spell disaster if you have COPD. As if those ingredients aren’t bad enough, the main culprit with sodas and seltzer is the carbonation. This heavy dose of carbon dioxide can cause all kinds of issues with gas (not pleasant).
The thing is, there’s only so much space in your body’s chest and stomach cavities. When there’s excess gas, you basically inflate, which can cause pressure on other parts of your body – including your diaphragm. When this happens, you not only feel bloated but struggle to breathe. Your best bet is to reduce carbonated beverages and go for juice, tea, or water.
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6. Coffee
After a long night, we could all use a pick-me-up. But did you know that coffee can trigger acid reflux and even lead to chronic reflux diseases? The reason this is a problem for people with COPD is that reflux causes stomach acid to go into your esophagus. Think of this as a ‘back-up’ in your internal piping.
In some cases, this can get so bad that the acid ends up in your lungs. If stomach acid reroutes to your lungs, it can cause a range of respiratory issues, from violent coughing and wheezing to even lung scarring and pneumonia.
If you love your coffee, try to gradually wean off or cut back. Likewise, you can dilute your coffee with nonfat milk or drink decaf.
Overall, there are many ways to modify your diet and still enjoy the foods you love. The trick is to recognize what triggers your symptoms and react accordingly. By moderating your intake, you can significantly improve your issues with COPD day in and day out.