From a health perspective, the benefit of giving up dairy products can vary from weight loss to clearer skin and even disease prevention.
Although the consumption of dairy products has dropped since 2005 with the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ survey showing that 22 percent of Americans reported that they have decreased their dairy ingestion, we still find it hard to tear ourselves completely away from it.
If you are someone who is considering the non-dairy lifestyle and are curious about both the benefits and side effects, consider the following:
1. It Can Affect Your Smell
Dairy is said by some to be a major contributor to sinus congestion.
Also, dairy is thought to be linked to asthma. Drinking milk or eating dairy products doesn’t necessarily cause asthma.
However, if you have a dairy allergy, it may trigger symptoms that are similar to asthma. Also, if you have asthma and a dairy allergy, dairy may worsen your asthma symptoms.
2. It’ll Be Easier to Lose Weight.
Having a dairy exempt diet will have an immediate effect on your weight.
Even without exercising, simply omitting dairy from your diet will cause you to lose weight as well as inches from your waistline.
However, do not let it backfire on you. The one thing you will need to be on the lookout for is being hungrier.
Dairy is a good source of fat and protein that keeps us full.
Without it, we may look to substitute it with simple carbs that would hinder the weight loss and even cause you to gain extra pounds.
Be mindful of what you replace the dairy with to manage your appetite.
3. It Can De-bloat Your Body
When it comes to the feeling of being bloated, often dairy is the culprit.
Some tend to use artificial means to curb the feeling temporarily through the use of lactose-free pills, but it’s just that – temporary.
Even the substitute for many dairy products, soy, is difficult to digest for some because it contains sugar molecules called oligosaccharides.
Our bodies cannot digest these substances well; therefore, the result tends to be unwanted gas and bloating.
Dr. John Briffa, a leading expert in nutrition said, “If lactose is not broken down, it ferments in the gut, which can cause various digestive issues such as bloating.”
Try a dairy-free diet for a couple of months and see if you can actually wake up and smell the roses. If/when you can, stick with it.
4. It Can Clear Up Your Skin
Sugars, growth hormones and fats are all ingredients in milk.
Even organic milk, which we tend to think of as safer, contains some ingredients that can irritate the skin.
A study at Dartmouth Medical School also revealed that testosterone stimulates oil glands in the skin, which can lead to breakouts. Testosterone is also found in milk.
5. You’ll Feel More Energized
Eating healthier and cutting out dairy can have a positive effect on your energy levels. Feeling lethargic and tired can be potentially replaced with better sleeping patterns as well as increased energy.
6. It Reverses What You Think About Your Bones
Calcium is a great producer of strong bones and a sturdy frame. Where is a great deal of calcium found? You guessed it, milk.
If you decide to get rid of dairy, make sure the proper calcium-containing substitutes are in place.
Kale, spinach, tofu and sardines are all sufficient sources of calcium to the point that your body won’t really miss the milk.
7. It Reduces Your Risk of Cancer
Dairy has been found to be a contributor to cancer, according to research.
The Swedish report found that women drinking more than one glass of milk per day could double their risk of ovarian cancer, while the Harvard study discovered that men who drank more than two daily servings of milk increased their risk of developing prostate cancer by 34 percent compared to those who don’t.