When it comes to pesky skin conditions like eczema, they can ruin anyone’s day. Millions of people suffer from chronic skin issues on a daily basis. Unfortunately, research tries to argue that Black people suffer the most from eczema and other skin issues.
Making matters worse, some individuals spend years suffering from the disease. It can be difficult to find the right treatment and doctor. Though, Essence Editor Dominique Fluker, who suffers from eczema, was at the right place, at the right time after receiving an exclusive invitation to try out a new skin health experience.
More specifically, Fluker was invited to West Hollywood’s newest wellness club, Remedy Place, to try out their first-ever ice bath. Furthermore, the wellness club shares a partnership with skincare giant Murad, who recently unveiled a skincare line as well. It certainly left Fluker a very satisfied participant.
RELATED: How To Deal With Your Eczema & Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation
The Benefits Of Taking An Ice Bath
Last month, Dominique Fluker didn’t know what to expect after she was invited to try out an ice bath at a West Hollywood wellness club. As someone who’s struggled with eczema, she knew she had to take control of her skin health.
The exclusive, invite-only event marked a successful partnership between Remedy Place and skin care giant Murad. In the end, their partnership yielded results in discovering the connection between beauty, wellness and science.
This year, the two companies found the answers they’ve been searching for and celebrated the launch of Murad’s new collection, Eczema Control.
Additionally, Murad honored their founder Howard Murad and his philosophy on daily stress-reducing practices that can help aid skin health.
Furthermore, those in attendance at the exclusive event immersed themselves in Remedy Place x Murad’s skin health mini-retreat to achieve total body wellness.
Despite her initial fears, Fluker forced herself to try out their new 39-degree, ice bath. She originally viewed the act as just a TikTok trend that went viral.
However, she discovered that there are some real health benefits to plunging ourselves into a tub full of ice. After talking with an on-site dermatologist and brand expert, Tia Paul, MD, Fluker learned that an ice bath limits skin inflammation and alleviates itching.
During a previous interview, Paul went into greater detail about the new line, noting that it’s especially great for melanated skin types.
“It’s important to get eczema under control for melanated skin because chronic itching and redness can lead to hyperpigmentation, which is much more difficult to treat in the long run,” she says.
Additionally, Paul warns audiences to make certain that they’re not prone to chilblains or pernio before taking an ice bath. All in all, Fluker loved that she could finally take back control of her skin.
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Plunging Into The Unknown & Taking A Chance
In the end, Fluker highly recommends Remedy Place x Murad’s new ice bath. She notes that while she had her fears and initial doubts about the success rate, she found herself walking away as a satisfied participant.
Fluker admits that she felt empowered and focused on the present moment. More importantly, her body thanked her after the inflammation of her skin disappeared. Not to mention, she received a good night’s rest after the experience.
Clearly, there are some positive outcomes to be had from Murad’s new skincare and wellness line.
Sampling The Merchandise
Speaking of which, Dominique Fluker also sampled some of the items from Murad’s new rollout. Already a pleased customer, she had to try the rest of what the company had to offer. She says in her essay to Essence magazine that she became “an instant fan” of Murad’s Quick Relief Colloidal Oatmeal Treatment. Fluker happily reported that the ointment cleared up an eczema patch on her neck. Not only did she love the 39-degree ice bath, she also loved the skin creams. It’s safe to say that she is a fan of Remedy x Murad’s new skincare line Eczema Control.