READ: My Story: “I Won’t Let Lupus Beat Me”
Shey has experienced low energy, weight gain, migraines and an irregular heart problem due to her lupus. But, she changed her mindset about lupus and decided to live her life in a different way. Her doctor suggested she start exercising to help with the flares and this is what led to Shey becoming what she calls a lupus ‘Fitness Warrior.’
Shey decided to do her first bikini competition after gaining 25 pounds from steroid medication. The now MMFitness-sponsored athlete was able to stop her steroid treatment and maintain a healthy weight. Her lupus has been in remission and she is feeling better than ever.
Here is how Shey became a Fitness Warrior. How did lupus impact your life?
Shey Webb: I originally felt depressed. I didn’t go out and do things I normally would do on a daily basis. I just wanted to stay home in bed. The people around me kept telling me about people they knew who had died from lupus. Since I didn’t have a full understanding of what the disease was, it made me even more depressed. What fueled your passion to become a ‘Fitness Warrior’?
Shey Webb: My doctor said exercise would help with the pain. I started out swimming and rollerblading. I always wanted to be a WWE Diva so I decided to pursue this goal. My manager at the time knew the trainer and I met with him to discuss the process. Due to the pain I was already experiencing, I didn’t think this would be the best option for me.
I started thinking of other things I could do as my “bucket list.” I remember someone I worked with when I was younger always telling me about bodybuilding shows. I Googled and watched different divisions. I messaged Micah Morgan at MMFitness and informed him I was doing a bikini competition in two months. I sought him out to help me with my training. How has fitness helped you manage your lupus?
Shey Webb: Eating healthy is the biggest part that has helped. I noticed certain foods would trigger a flare. Working out helped my inflammation and pain. The two coupled together make a difference in how I manage my lupus. What advice would you give to someone who is newly diagnosed with lupus?
Shey Webb: Be patient with yourself. That was my biggest issue. You may not be able to do everything you used to do before. You have to pace yourself. What is the most difficult part of living with lupus?
Shey Webb: Not knowing how you are going to feel the next day. One day I can have a ton of energy and the next morning I’m tired and can barely move out of bed.
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Shey Webb: I learned to manage my stress. Just like I don’t always have control over my life, I can’t control these flares. It’s how I handle the flare ups that makes the difference. What has been your biggest accomplishment as a Fitness Warrior?
Shey Webb: I am Nationally Qualified in the National Physique Committee and I have placed in the top 10 at two of my National shows. Any additional words of wisdom for those who have lupus?
Shey Webb: Take it one day at a time. When you wake up, plan how you want to spend your energy. You will not have the same level of energy everyday so learn to tell people no and use your energy towards what will make you happy in that moment. Shey, you have an amazing spirit! I can’t wait to see what other big things you accomplish in your future.
Follow Shey Webb’s inspiring Fitness Warrior journey on Instagram.