Believe it or not, the secret to shedding pounds isn’t how much you train – though a good fitness routine helps. Instead, pay attention to what you eat and how much. To aid you in your weight loss efforts, here are 10 foods to avoid at all costs and why.
10. Flavored yogurt
Yes, yogurt can be good for your gut on the inside, but if you’re trying to lose weight, stop buying the flavored kind. Flavored yogurt can pack up to 30 grams of sugar per 6 oz. serving. That’s just about as many grams of sugar as you get in a Butterfinger candy bar. Instead, try unflavored greek yogurt.
9. Fruit juice
Are loaded with sugar. In fact, research shows that many bottled “made from real fruit juice” brands contain just as much if not more sugar than popular soft drinks.
8. Granola and trail mix
Granola has healthy properties – whole oats and grains – but it’s often prepared with a lot of butter and oil. If it is sticky and clumped, that’s an indicator of an unhealthy recipe. There are also healthy granola recipes, but a serving is a very small amount. Granola averages a whopping 400 calories per cup. The same is true for calorie-dense nuts and dried fruit. A single cup of almonds contains more than 500 calories. A little bit goes a long way.
7. Fat-free foods
Some fat-free foods really are healthier, like cheese and other dairy products made with skim rather than whole milk. But usually, manufacturers of fat-free foods add sugar or high-fructose corn syrup to help the foods stay shelf-stable. This adds empty calories. People tend to have a phobia of fat, but healthy fats are essential to our diet — as long you eat fats in moderation. Choose monounsaturated fats, like those in nuts or fish.
6. Flatbread Pizza
Are extremely high in calories and contain unhealthy ingredients like refined flour and processed meat. Some supermarket sauces are also loaded with sugar. Tip: Try making the perfect slice at-home where you can select healthier ingredients and toppers.
5. Meatless ‘burgers’
Everyone wants to go “plant-based” nowadays, but that might not be good for your waistline. If you’re eating a processed meatless “burger” or “hot dog,” consider what’s been used as a protein source. Sometimes these products have a lot of added chemicals. People can actually gain weight on a meatless diet from eating the wrong types of proteins. What should you look for? A smaller ingredient list. The more ingredients you actually recognize, the better that food is.
4. Specialty coffee drinks
While it’s true, coffee contains caffeine which can boost your metabolism (short term.) In the long run, adding unhealthy ingredients like fatty creamers, flavored syrups or toppers like whipped cream, can quickly pack on the calories.
If you can’t live without your daily cup of Joe, stick to plain, black coffee when trying to shed weight. You’ll still get a jolt of energy but without jeopardizing your bikini body.
3. Soda
It’s no secret that sugary beverages can quickly wreak havoc on your waistline. In fact, countless studies have found that the consumption of sugary soft drinks was significantly associated with greater weight gain and greater risk of obesity over time in both children and adults.
If you are serious about losing weight, consider giving up soda altogether.
2. Baked goodies
Baked is better than fried, right? Well, not all the time. Pastries, cookies, and cakes are still the devil. Sweet treats contain large amounts of added sugar, refined flour and even trans fat. While they’re high in calories, they’re also not very filling.
1. White rice
Lacks fiber and key nutrients — leaving you feeling hungry, tired and in search of your next quick energy fix.
Major Key
A 2,000-calorie-a-day diet should look a little something like this: no more than 66 grams of fat, less than 20 grams saturated; 2,400 milligrams of sodium; and 300 grams of total carbohydrate, including sugars.