This process works by inserting sturdy, thin metal needles into the skin to unblock certain energies that may be flowing incorrectly. It is the belief that there are energy centers that flow near the skin that can be accessed through acupuncture, and when these energy centers are blocked disease occurs.
If an alternative form of medicine interests you, here are a few health benefits of acupuncture.
Alleviates back pain.
According to practitioners who perform acupuncture, chronic back pain is one of the main reasons why patients come to receive the treatment. By placing the needles along certain meridians along the back, tension is released, giving most patients relief that lasts for weeks at a time.
Dulls persistent headaches.
Acupuncture has been deemed an effective treatment for existing headaches. A review of 22 studies involving this form of therapy on migraines and tension headaches found that regular acupuncture therapy was effective at preventing pain.
Drop A Pant Size…With Acupuncture?
Unblocks energy centers.
It is the belief that chi (or life force energy) is within all of us, swirling within certain energy centers along the…
…spine. When these energy centers aren’t moving correctly disease and emotional imbalances can occur and diminish your health. Acupuncture helps to keep that energy flowing correctly and helps the body cleanse on a spiritual level.
Counteracts radiation side effects.
Patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments often experience a range of symptoms that cause discomfort, but studies have shown that acupuncture helps with the perception of how bad the side effects are. A review of studies published in CA, a journal of the American Cancer Society, found that “people undergoing radiation treatment perceived fewer negative side effects of radiation even though the side effects may have been present.” The acupuncture didn’t alleviate the symptoms, but did improve patients quality of life after treatment.
The key to using acupuncture is to consult a trained professional that practices the proper hygiene and techniques when providing this therapy.
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