A: The number one remedy for low estrogen is soy products e.g., edamame, soy milk, tofu etc. It’s important to note, however, what may be causing your estrogen levels to dip.
There are three categories that can cause low estrogen:
- Natural Causes of Low Estrogen
- Induced Causes of Low Estrogen
- Special Cases of Low Estrogen
Natural Causes of Low Estrogen Levels
The ovaries produce estrogen and as a woman matures she releases fewer and fewer eggs her estrogen production decreases.
Induced Causes of Low Estrogen Levels
Induced low estrogen levels can be caused by medical treatments and procedures. Radiation and chemotherapy treatments can cause low estrogen levels in girls and women. Many females find that after these treatments their ovaries do not function properly. This does not happen to everyone who receives these cancer treatments, but it is definitely a conversation worth having with your doctor. Hysterectomy can cause a woman to go into surgically-induced menopause, causing hormone imbalances including estrogen. There are many natural and medical treatments for this imbalance.
READ: Eat This, Balance Your Hormones
Special Cases of Low Estrogen
There are some conditions that can disturb the activity of hormones such as estrogen in the body. Having an active lifestyle and balanced diet are key to maintaining hormonal balance. For young women, in particular, the following conditions can each prompt low estrogen levels:
- Genetic disease, such as Turner syndrome
- Thyroid disorders
- Insufficient body fat
In addition to eating disorders, extreme exercise and pituitary diseases can also result in insufficient estrogen levels. These ailments cause miscommunication between the pituitary gland and the ovaries, with the pituitary gland failing to stimulate estrogen production in the ovaries, resulting in inadequate amounts being created.
Here are some symptoms of low estrogen levels:
- Hot flashes
- Night sweats
- Anxiety
- Vaginal dryness
- Loss of libido
- Mood swings
If you have any more questions about estrogen, please do not hesitate to Ask Dr. Renee.
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