What sits between a woman’s legs is the most powerful organ known to man. Not only does it have the ability to accommodate an object the size of an eight pound baby and shrink back down to its original state, but it also has the ability to clean and self heal. The vagina is a resilient organ capable of not only bearing life, but also capable of bringing erotic pleasure and deepening a spiritual bond between two people.
As strong and self-sufficient as the vagina is, there is an art to caring for its delicate ecosystem. There are several things that could throw off the slightly acidic pH of the vagina and these things should be avoided to maintain a healthy and happy vagina.
Feminine deodorant spray, powders and other scented feminine hygiene products contain fragrances that can irritate the bacteria living within the vagina and create an imbalance. When the ecosystem of good and bad bacteria is disturbed, vaginal pH is thrown off and infection can occur (common infections are bacterial vaginosis (BV) and yeast infections). Every woman has a natural smell “down there” so it should be embraced instead of covered. If a pungent or fishy smell is present, please understand that this isn’t normal and is something that should be checked by a doctor. Also, we are what we eat, and sometimes foods with strong odors can filter down to the vagina. Eating a clean diet, drinking plenty of water and wearing cotton panties can help with maintaining a balanced vagina.
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Sugar-filled toppings
Some people may choose to get creative in the bedroom by bringing in foods during foreplay, but the worst thing one can do is allow whipped cream, cherries, strawberries or sugar-filled toppings near the vagina. Sugar can cause yeast to grow out of control, creating an unpleasant pH level that will result in a yeast infection. It’s completely acceptable to use these condiments and foods in the bedroom, but keeping them away from the genitals is recommended. If you want to experiment with these foods during oral sex, simply use condoms or plastic wrap to cover the genitals.
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Flavored condoms
Flavored condoms are great to use during oral sex, but using them in the vagina isn’t recommended. These condoms are…
… flavored with lubricants that use artificial sweeteners to give them their zest in flavor, and sugar that can be problematic for the vagina. Burning, irritation and eventually infection can result from using these condoms incorrectly. If penetrative intercourse is going to take place after oral sex, simply switch condoms to a traditionally lubricated condom. Problem solved.
Some women feel they need to clean the vagina by using a douche, but this process is more problematic that helpful. Douching can wash away the good bacteria in the vagina and allow bad bacteria to flourish. The vagina is self-cleaning and all it needs is a little bit of water to help it with its cleansing duties. Taking a warm bath every few days will do the trick. If soaking for 20 minutes isn’t something you can commit to during the week, using a douche with plain water will help.
The vagina is an amazing organ that should be catered to with care. Pay attention to what your body is telling you through your yoni. Changes in vaginal secretions and smells, irritation or swelling are all signs that something is off within your vagina and your body. If you have concerns about changes you don’t understand, consult your gynecologist for more information.
Doctors are warning that you shouldn’t use toothpaste to “tighten” your vagina, whilst men are being warned not to put toothpaste on their penises for even more spurious reasons.
A doctor in Nigeria said that the harmful myth had become an obsession for some women in the country, and warned that it can cause inflammation, irritation, and even infertility.
“Toothpaste is caustic and too abrasive for a sensitive body part like the vagina and using such on it can destroy the organisms meant to protect the vagina from possible infections,” OBGYN Dr. Oluwole Yusuf said.
“When the vagina can no longer protect itself, the body is prone to infections which could later destroy the tubes and block the chances of getting pregnant.”