Now, I know what you’re thinking: “no exercise can make me smarter”, right? Well, I was a little skeptical at first too. Until I started doing research and saw the results. This exercise, being called “Superbrain Yoga” is meant to pump up cell and neuro activity in the brain, and it seems to be working amazingly.
Improved brain function has been seen in the elderly, those with autism, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Down Syndrome, Alzheimer’s, or other development challenges. It’s even helped those who are just “foggy” sometimes and those who have a problem with short-term memory.
Based on the research of Dr. Joie P. Jones of the Dept. of Radiological Sciences at the University of California, the exercise works using the body’s energy centres which absorb, digest, and distribute energy to different parts of the body. These primary energy centres are actually major acupuncture points. Acupressure energy points for the brain, eyes, forehead, mouth, ovaries, parotid, temples, and testes congregate around the area of the ear affected by pressure from the exercise. In addition, the finger pads used in the exercise stimulate neuropathways into the brain by activating acupuncture points on the earlobes. According to Dr. Jones, after doing the exercise, an EEG scan shows the right and left hemispheres of the brain have synchronized.
When done correctly, the Superbrain Yoga exercise helps the energy trapped in the lower energy centres move up through the physical body’s other major centres. As the energy travels upwards, it passes through the practitioner’s heart centre and fills it with feelings of calm and inner peace. When the energy moves up further into the throat and beyond, the practitioner’s intelligence and creativity are improved. Other benefits include regulation of the sex drive, which is especially important for teenagers.
Here’s how to do it (7 steps):
1. Face East. For the elderly, face North.
2. Remove any jewelry and connect your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Leave it there throughout the exercise.
3. Take your left hand, cross your upper body to take hold of your right earlobe with thumb and forefinger. Make sure that the thumb is in front.
4. Now take your right hand across your upper body to take hold of your left earlobe. Again, make sure that the thumb is in front. At this point you’re pressing both earlobes simultaneously. Make sure your left arm is close to your chest and inside your right arm.
5. Inhale through your nose and slowly squat down to the ground.
6. Hold your breath and exhale as you start making your way back up to a standing position.
7. Repeat this squatting action 14 times. Remember to keep holding your earlobes and to keep your tongue touching the roof of your mouth throughout the entire exercise.
To maximize the benefits of this practice, make it a fun daily habit with your child when getting ready for school or even after school when they need a re-charge. For teenagers, the best way is to lead by example and also make the first 30 days a together practice (proven by first-hand experience). You will start to see results in the first three months of daily repetition, and in seven months your child will improve their cognitive abilities (and average in school) by 20 – 35%, but by that time what once was just an exercise will become a great habit you’ll want to keep all your life – one that will ensure your next generations grow up healthy and smart.