Men tend to have a high degree of sensitivity in two areas: The size of their penis and their financial status. These two topics drive many conversations, perceptions and insecurities in how they feel about women, other men, and society's perception of who they are as men.
The sad thing is that there are many incorrect perceptions out there about penis size, shape and texture, and because of these perceptions, some men struggle to have a healthy relationship with their penis. If you want some real education about your penis, read on for some great advice from Dr. Drai, who addresses common misnomers about the penis.
Dr. Draion Burch, known as Dr. Drai, is a board-certified obstetrician, gynecologist and nationally-recognized author, speaker, consultant and media expert on reproductive health. As the author of "20 Things You May Not Know About The Penis," Dr. Drai is an expert on the most common misunderstanding men (and women) have about the penis.
I recently spoke with Dr. Drai about ways Black men can have a healthier relationship with their penis.
RELATED: 25 Best Foods To Feed Your Penis Men are often concerned with the size of their penis. What should they know so that they can embrace what they have?
Dr. Drai: All penises come in different shapes and sizes. The largest (recorded) penis is 9.5 inches soft and 13.5 inches hard. Oh, and he’s not a Black man. A micropenis (aka the "short, short man") is less than 1.6 inches soft and 3 inches hard.
Remember fellas, there are growers and show-ers. Growers are penises that expand and lengthen when it gets hard. Show-ers are penises that are already big. When they get hard, they don’t get much bigger.
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Most men are GROWers — over 70 percent of them. Once again, there are no studies that correlate how much a man’s penis will grow once aroused. So stop stressing, guys! It's not about how big it is; it's about how well you work it.
Bottom line: Appreciate what you have and learn how to make it work for you. How does a man know if he has something that is abnormal going on with his penis?
Dr. Drai: If you see or feel anything weird on your shaft, talk to your doctor. Let me be more specific. If you see sores, blisters, warts, lumps, skin thickening, or ulcers, please make an appointment ASAP. These are all symptoms of penile cancer. The most common symptom is changes in the skin on your penis. If your penis can't get up or you ejaculate too quickly, you must talk to your doctor.
Bottom line: Pay attention to any physical changes on your penis. Doing a monthly examination of your penis will help you know when something is outside of the norm. What are some basic things men can do to manage the health of their penis?
Dr. Drai: First of all, men need to have a regular erection. Exercising helps work out the penis, too. It will boost your testosterone. While in the gym, work on those core muscles. These muscles are connected to your penis muscles. Have you ever met a man that can make his penis jump when it’s hard? That means he has a strong core…AND a strong penis. Also, get rid of the alcohol—that’s a no-brainer.
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Stop smoking as well. Puffing makes your penis get smaller. Also, make sure you get plenty of sleep and eat healthily. Low cholesterol and low sugar diets are best.
Self-pleasure is normal and ok. If you don’t masturbate, your manhood could shrink by 1-2 centimeters. Masturbation has many other great benefits. It helps your penis get and stay hard, relieves stress, beats depression, boosts your immune system, makes you smarter, helps you live longer, makes you look younger AND helps fight heart disease! Masturbation also gives you a chance to examine your penis to check for signs of STIs and signs of cancer. Love what you got!
Bottom line: Exercising and self-pleasure for your penis are a good thing. They can help you improve the health of your penis and relieve stress, which can lead to other healthcare problems. Embrace what you have!