Sadly, Jessica Pettway, a well-known beauty influencer, passed away just a few weeks ago, according to her family. She was just 36 years old.
The news shook the online beauty community as the influencer and mom of two bravely shared with her 153,000 Instagram followers her battle with stage 3 cervical cancer, a diagnosis she received nearly nine months before her passing. In a detailed Instagram post, Pettway opened up about the frustrating journey she faced beginning in 2022, shedding light on initially being misdiagnosed.
“Last June, I was having intense vaginal bleeding. And when I say intense, I mean I was literally bleeding out. I called around and asked other women if they experienced this before and majority of them said they have. I thought, well maybe this is a "normal" thing that women go through,” Pettway shared. “I was experiencing extreme fatigue, weakness and just not feeling like myself. But again, I accepted this as a "normal" symptom that most women go through,” she continued.
She then recounted that after being found unresponsive on her bathroom floor, her gynecologist claimed that she was suffering from fibroids, a misdiagnosis that tragically delayed her real diagnosis. This misstep resulted in her dealing with ‘labor-like pains’ and more intense bleeding.
“On December 31st 2022, the bleeding came back. And it would not stop. I was hospitalized again January 7th and was there for a week. I was told I could not get surgery to remove this "fibroid" due to my lack of blood supply. My hemoglobin level was at a 4. I had to receive 10 blood transfusions during my hospital stay,” she shared in an Instagram post.
After a biopsy and a visit to an oncologist, Pettway was diagnosed with stage 3 cervical cancer in 2023.
"On Feb. 8th, 2023, he performed an outpatient biopsy on me. When I woke up from the anesthesia, he casually said, 'Yep you have stage 3 cervical cancer.' It turns out, it was not a fibroid, but cancer. I was misdiagnosed all this time," she explained.
Pettway's story is particularly heartbreaking, as it highlights the disproportionate impact that inadequate medical care can have on Black women. This tragic reminder raises awareness about the urgent need to address the racial disparities Black women face.
According to David Newman-Toker, professor at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, “Women and racial and ethnic minorities are 20% to 30% more likely than white men to experience a misdiagnosis. “That’s significant and inexcusable,” Newman-Toker shared. These misdiagnoses range from heart attacks to strokes to cancer. Despite doctors and other medical professionals doing their best to break down these barriers, it is crucial for Black women to demand treatment and additional screenings as needed.
It is important for Black women to not blame themselves when they are mistreated at doctors' appointments. Instead, you should come prepared for your appointment. According to a Vox article, this can include being accompanied by a trusted friend or family member so you can advocate for yourself.
Additionally, it is important to take detailed notes during the visit. If you feel rushed in the office, make sure to maximize all your time with the doctor and follow up with a specialist or new doctor if you feel ignored or dismissed.
While it is frustrating that Black women must go to these lengths for proper healthcare treatment, it is important when your life is on the line.
Pettway leaves behind a huge community of 228,000 subscribers on her YouTube page. She was also the mom to 10-year-old Kailee and three-year-old Zoi Lee, with her husband of 12 years, according to Essence. Her sister, Reyni Brown, shared in an Instagram post that she just wants her sister back.
"It's my birthday today, and the only thing I could ever wish for is for God to bring you back on this earth… I lost my beautiful big sister 2 days ago and my heart has never felt pain like this,” Brown shared.
We hope that Pettway's vulnerability in discussing these challenges will raise awareness about the racial biases Black women face. May her family continue to heal during this difficult time.