(BlackDoctor.org) — Endometriosis is a very individualized disease. No woman experiences it exactly the same way as another. So what works for one person might not work for another. This disease can take a toll on women physically, mentally and emotionally. It can cause women untold stress, and the stress often makes symptoms worse.
So how do we take care of ourselves as individuals while dealing with this disease? Let’s look at a few things that might actually help.
Some Foods Might Cause More Pain
Try eliminating caffeine, alcohol, sugar, red meat, fried foods and wheat from your diet just before and during menstruation. Add foods high in omega-3 fatty acids (such as salmon, flaxseed and herring). You might have less pain.
Relaxation Isn’t Just Good in Theory
Try to carve out a few minutes each day to relax. This can be as simple as putting on headphones and listening to relaxing music. Breathing exercises also help calm the body.
Sleep, Sleep, Sleep
Studies suggest that sleep deprivation results in hormonal and metabolic changes, inflammation and increased levels of pain. If you’re having trouble sleeping, try homeopathic sleep remedies, a cup of chamomile tea, or a spritz of diluted lavender oil on your pillow. Getting outside during the day can also result in better sleep. If sleep deprivation becomes a problem, see your physician.
Replace Negative Thoughts with Positive Ones
According to Harvard researchers, optimism results in better overall health. Make an effort to turn negative thoughts into positive ones. It will make you feel better if you find ways to be hopeful while facing the day-to-day challenges of endometriosis.
Move When You Can
Researchers have also found that physical activity can ease tension and release endorphins (your body’s natural painkiller). Take advantage of the times when you’re able to be physically active. When you don’t feel up to brisk activity, try something simpler, such as taking a walk around the block. It might be slow going at first, but you will probably feel better afterwards.
Simplify Your Life
Most women are strained with too many commitments and too little time, which takes its toll after a while. If you’re overburdened, you might consider simplifying your life by determining what tasks or responsibilities can be eliminated or delegated to others.
Avoid Toxins in Your Environment
Try to eliminate as many toxins in your life as possible, opting instead for natural products.
Join a Support Group
If a support group for those with endometriosis exists in your area, join. Fellow sufferers will understand what you’re going through when others might not. If no support group exists in your area, try to find at least one supportive person to share your concerns with. Don’t keep all your frustrations inside!