The show, Girlfriends, was "the" ensemble sitcom that focused on a mixed batch of black women who faced life’s tests and triumphs together. It was one of the most highest-rated shows on CW.
From dating to divorce and friends to family to relationships, Joan, Maya, Lynn, and Toni support each other despite their differing backgrounds, learning about true friendship in the process.
Actress Golden Brooks is best known for her portrayal of the character Maya Wilkes, Joan's former sharp-tongued secretary and now acclaimed author, in which she starred alongside Tracee Ellis Ross (Joan), Persia White (Lynn) and Jill Marie Jones (Toni).
Now that Girlfriends is readily available to anyone with a Netflix account, people are reliving the glory of a show centered around Black women, love, and female friendship.
"I think as an try to bring as much of that to every character you do, but you live for certain roles. You have roles that you do to pay the bills and to be working, but then you have roles that are really, truly tapping into your craft."
Tapping into the craft often involves hard work and perseverance, but Brooks doesn't let that stress her out, nor does she want other women to stress themselves out either.
“As Black women, we hold a lot in. Stress is very hard on our bodies.”
The former Girlfriends cast member strongly recommends to all women to visit their doctors regularly. “Early prevention is the key. Sick is not sexy! As women, we all want to be desirable.
If we are sick, we cannot be sexy. We will make sure we visit our beauty salons more than our doctor. Visiting your doctor is part of being sexy. “Remember,” Brooks continued with passion in her voice, “Sick is not sexy.”
Brooks, now 51, also feels it is important to align your spirit with your mind. “When you align them both it really exudes health from the inside,” says Brooks, “And be happy! Life is short.
There is always going to be bumps in the road. Attitude and energy are so important.” When it comes to her own health, Brooks says does a lot of research. “Dandelion is so good and I just read the other day that fennel is amazing for your eye health,” she quickly adds, “I also try and drink a lot of water, which is so hard and I try to stay away from too much red meat.” One of her favorite greens is okra. “Okra is great for your blood levels and your sugar levels – not many people know this!”
Recently, in an interview with Page Six, Brooks shared where she believes the characters would be at this point in their lives.
“[My character] Maya would be a part of the Black Lives Matter movement. She would be doing protests and speeches and getting people to stand up for the community. And she would definitely have more self-help books.
She’d be the next Iyanla Vanzant with self-help books titled ‘Oh Hell Yes: Volume 1, 2 & 3.’ There would also be ‘Oh Hell No: Volume 1, 2 & 3.’”
Brooks also has ideas for her castmates.
“[Maya’s husband] Darnell has his line of garages. I think Joan [Tracee Ellis Ross] will still be looking for love but is also happy in her solitude.
Toni [Jill Marie Jones] is trying to be a good mother to her daughter Morgan, and Lynn [Persia White] has finally stopped going to college and got a real job.”
Brooks shared that no matter what she does or accomplishes in her career, people will always associate her with “Girlfriends” and will inquire about the characters’ arcs.
“I can win an Emmy or an Oscar and the first question will be ‘Is there gonna be a ‘Girlfriends’ movie?’ And I probably get about 10 stories a day tagged to me with scenes from the show. So I know that it’s part of my fabric."
To us, it doesn't matter what she does, we just want to see Golden in it. Plus, she'll always be one of our girlfriends, in our mind.