The end of the school year is approaching, and parents will soon be left with the dilemma of finding something for their children to do over the summer. Finding a productive outlet for your child is hard at times. You want them to enjoy their summer because they’ve worked really hard over the school year, but you also want them to retain their knowledge going into the next year as well.
Summer Slide is the claim that children lose most of the knowledge and skills they’ve gained from the previous school year during the summer months. Research on the summer slide phenomenon dates back to 1906. Early reviews on the topic illustrate a definite need for academic enrichment over the summer. Researchers found that on average students achievement levels decreased by one month’s worth of school learning.
Subjects such as math decreased at a much higher rate than reading which got worse at higher grade levels. The research also showed that reading scores for middle-class students got better while low-income students dropped. The belief is that middle-class students have more access to resources to keep up academically over the summer. Research shows that the summer slide is a factor in the academic achievement gap between students of color and their white counterparts. It’s time to take a different approach to the way we look at summertime. Of course, the water park and the family trip is on the menu, but BlackDoctor wants to help your child stay academically prepared 24/7.
Pennsylvania pediatrician and best-selling author of “Whose Bad @$$ Kids Are Those?,” Dr. Jarrett R. Patton says the key to summer slide is to keep them active and set limitations.
"One of the best things parents can do over the summer for their child's development is to keep them active. Despite their objections, keeping your children on a schedule over the summer helps thebrain stay stimulated. I always advise my parents to perform an internet search of local free camps. There are many different camps available; science, music, and nature as examples.
There are also camps that provide scholarships and reduced tuition. Having your child attend these scheduled activities lets them learn a new skill as well as develop new friendships. These skills set the foundation for success as they get older and will join the workforce. Scheduled activities also reduce the temptation to sit in front of the television or video game console and 'rot' their brain away performing mindless activities.”
Parents can educate their youth in a number of creative and non-traditional ways during the summer. Regular outings to the grocery store and fun games around the house can turn into a fun-filled educational experience.
"Everyday life can be an enriching learning environment; turn grocery shopping, cooking and household chores into learning opportunities. Young children can be taught basic principles surrounding daily activities and older children can participate. For example, going to the grocery store can be a teaching moment in health, nutrition, finance, and cooking depending on the age. Other things such as puzzles, board games, reading, and reviewing of basic math concepts (i.e. reviewing multiplication facts) can be helpful in keeping their minds active."
"Parents have the free will to use anything as an enrichment project, it does not have to be fancy or cost money.”
Alex Wan, Director of Horizons Atlanta believes that parents can be an active agent in their lives by encouraging reading.
“One of the best ways to combat summer slide is simply byencouraging your child to read. Research shows that continuing to read through the summer – even just minutes each day – may help prevent a child with literacy challenges from skill regression. Set aside time each day for reading, perhaps even aloud or together.
Additionally, find ways to keep your child mentally and physically engaged in activities that encourage a child to explore, experience new things, and stay active. Games, arts and crafts, visits to local parks and attractions are among some ways to boost a child’s intellectual skills.”
Programs such as Horizons Atlanta are doing the necessary summer enrichment to keep their kids on-par with the rest of their peers. The hands-on approach used by Horizon’s has shown to be a highly effective tool for transforming not only the individual student but the community as a whole.
“In the project-based Horizons approach, students "learn by doing." They become inspired as they explore reading, math, science, music, theater, art, swimming, and other activities that cultivate creativity and leadership. Their educational model is designed to fuel a life-long passion for learning, using a blend of high-quality academics with cultural enrichment and confidence-building activities.”
Horizons Atlanta has shown great success in closing that achievement gap in the summer by providing an awesome six-week, full-day summer program. Their small classes led by professional teachers have helped to produce two to three months of measurable growth in reading and math.
Don’t let your summer get away from you without doing something for your child that will set them up for academic success in the future. I’m sure they’ll gripe about not being able to play Fortnite all day, but they’ll thank you dearly when they’re college educated and paid. Be sure to check out your local libraries bulletin boards or websites for free, educational activities for your little ones.
Daunte Henderson, founder of the MADEMAN Foundation, author, and educator based in Chicago. You can follow him at @brotherhenderson on IG