At age 27, Deborah Grison was in the prime of her life; pursuing the ultimate goal of becoming Dr. Grison. That was in 2000. By 2002, something was terribly wrong. Unexplained inflamed pain began in her hands, rendering her unable to write or type for two months. All of this during graduate school. The pain would eventually relapse and remit.
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The off and on again pain led to muscle atrophy on her right side. Additional complications lay in wait for 10 years. In 2012, Deborah woke up to such excruciating pain that she could not walk. "It felt like someone was stabbing me with a butcher knife and an ice pick at the same time!," she recalled about that moment. She made her way to the doctor, crying hard and breathing heavy. Still no answers. "I thought I was going crazy. That, perhaps, I was conjuring these aches and pains in my mind."
It was then, Deborah made a conscious, drastic, deliberate decision. "I decided to do something I had never done. I went to the grocery store and bought the greenest, darkest, and at that time, the nastiest thing I could find. That was KALE!"
That night she begrudgingly ate raw kale and with an attitude. However, the next morning for the first time in 12 years, she felt the blood in her legs and feet! "I knew there was something to this food thing."
For the next 377 days, she changed her entire food landscape. Making peace with herself and reintroducing herself to her kitchen. "If it was fast, slick, quick, sweet, creamy, greasy or easy; or if it came in plastic, styrofoam or a brown bag, I didn't touch it! Juicing became my "go to;" my health serum."
Adopting and living the philosophy, “let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food," Deborah lost 90 lbs in seven months. After posting and sharing all of her meals on social media, it became a movement. Her new motto: "EATLIFE! IT'S A MOVEMENT, NOT A MOMENT!"
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However, the pain persisted. Eventually turning into tingling, numbness with fire and ice persisting in her torso, middle, lower extremities down to her legs and feet all at the same time. A battery of tests were in her future. From MRIs, x-rays, CT scans - you name it.
Then in June 2014, the medical mystery was finally solved. She was diagnosed was multiple sclerosis. By then it had been two years since she had changed her EATLIFESTYLE. Her spinal fluid was crystal clear and the legions had dried. Western doctors didn't understand how or why. She explained to them that she had addressed this medical question with natural remedies and food was and still is her ultimate remedy. No western medicine has been taken since the diagnosis.
It has been two and a half years since the diagnosis. Four years since she changed her Eatlifestyle. She has lost 175 lbs and maintained it, going from a size 16-18 (225-230lbs) to a size 4 (118-122). She has no exacerbations, and is now in remission from multiple sclerosis.
Deborah currently lives, loves and EATS LIFE in Chicago and gives community talks across the country.
Continue following her journey at:
FB: DrDeborahCollageGrison
TWITTER: @DeborahCollage
Email: [email protected]