Sometimes it's best to say no to overtime: A new Canadian study finds that working too hard after a heart attack could boost your odds for a repeat. Their new study found that people who work more than 55 hours a week after a heart attack are twice as likely to have another, compared with those who work 35 to 40 hours a week. This information is even more vital for Blacks, who have a higher risk of developing heart disease than any other race.
"The magnitude of the effect of working long hours after a heart attack is comparable to the burden of current smoking," senior researcher Dr. Alain Milot, a professor of medicine at Laval University in Quebec City, Canada says.
"Interventions to reduce long working hours should be part of public health and enterprise efforts to adapt the working environment of coronary patients," he adds.
An estimated 20 percent of workers worldwide put in more than 48 hours a week, according to the International Labour Office.
For the study, Milot's team collected data on nearly 1,000 men and women who in the mid-1990s were under 60 years of age, had a history of heart attack and were working.
The participants were interviewed and filled out questionnaires over six years to study cases of heart disease, lifestyle risk factors and hospital readmission rates. The questionnaires also asked about on-the-job exposure to smoking; chemicals; pollution; noise; excessive heat, cold or physical exertion; and the number of hours worked each week.
The researchers also measured participants' levels of stress, job strain, and social support during and outside work.
Over six years, 22 percent of the study participants had a second heart attack. Working long hours doubled their risk of
a second one, the investigators found.
Men and younger workers were more likely to work long hours, as were those who smoked, drank alcohol and were physically inactive. Workers whose jobs were stressful were also more likely to work longer hours, the questionnaires revealed.
Dr. Gregg Fonarow, interim chief of cardiology at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) reviewed the study findings and says that "men and women who report having long hours working have been shown in prior research to be at higher risk for cardiovascular disease, stroke and premature cardiovascular death."
Fonarow, however, adds that not enough patients studied had second heart attacks to draw any decisive conclusions.
"As there were only 95 individuals in this long work-hour group, further larger studies are needed [to determine] whether or not alteration of work hours alone would directly influence recurrent event risk," he says.
Fonarow says the best way to prevent a repeat heart attack is with proven medical care.
"There are a number of effective medications, participation in cardiac rehabilitation and lifestyle modifications that can effectively reduce the risk of recurrent cardiovascular events," he adds. "Intensive application of these evidence-based, guideline-recommended, cardiovascular event-reducing interventions are needed."
Eliminating Stress at Work
You can also try these tips to eliminate stress from your job:
- Start your day off right: There's a reason we use the phrase "waking up on the wrong side of the bed". It's because how you start your day can set the tone for how the rest of your day goes. Getting the kids ready, tackling traffic and road rage, etc. are all factors that call spill over into your mood once you arrive at work. Try starting your day off with a good breakfast and positive affirmations.
- Stay away from conflict: Conflict in the workplace can affect both your physical and emotional health. Whenever possible, try to stay away from conflict and any co-workers you may not get along with.
- Stay organized: Planning ahead and organizing can keep you on top of any projects, meetings, etc. you may have. Organizing also helps you avoid clutter and better manage your time so you can avoid the stress of being late.
- If possible, get somewhere comfortable: Something as small as sitting in an uncomfortable chair can cause back pain, which makes you more reactive to stress. Office noises can also be a distraction and be quite frustrating when you're trying to get your work done. If you can, try creating a workspace that is both quiet and comfortable.
- Exercise: If your schedule permits, short exercise breaks can help you blow off some steam and eliminate the physical and emotional effects of a stressful work atmosphere.
- Get rid of perfectionism: Of course, we all want to excel at work, but there is a fine line between being good at your job and being a perfectionist. The need for everything to be perfect can turn into you not feeling like you are doing an adequate job. Instead, your goal should be to make sure you are doing your best. When you accomplish something remember to acknowledge your efforts. This can eliminate stress.
- Find a work/life balance: Working around the clock can cause you to burn out and create more stress. Socializing with family and friends outside of work can help your mood. If you have a demanding job, set clear boundaries and make rules for when you will answer work emails/calls.
- Go on vacation: Being able to step away from work for a few is the best way to completely relax and unwind. This can even be in the form of a staycation or a trip a few hours out of town if you can't go far.
- Relax after a long day: After a long day at work, you should be able to sit back and unwind. Recharging is important. Try listening to music, meditating, watching your favorite show, etc. to get you ready for the next workday. Your goal should be to also eliminate any stress factors at home as well that may carry over into your work.