The three-time Emmy award-winning "The Dr. Oz Show" recently announced its first ever search for a nurse to join the core team of guest experts on a program where the full hour was devoted to nurses. The show episode, entitled “Nurses Nation,” was part of the season seven tapings. However, with the national conversation surrounding Miss Colorado's tribute to the nursing profession during the 2015 Miss America pageant, "The Dr. Oz Show" stepped up to provide a forum for extended discussion of nurses' integral role in providing health care and healing.
I had the pleasure of being one of the nurse expert guests on the show. As a cardiac clinical nurse specialist I had the opportunity to discuss the importance of healthy lifestyles and the nurses’ important role in educating patients and families.
On the show I shared with Dr. Oz and his viewers how they, too, can get slim and strong like a nurse. Dr. Oz and I were then joined by two nurses who shared their own personal journeys and lifestyle transformations of losing weight, not only for themselves but to inspire people and let them know that nurses do walk the walk and not just talk the talk when it comes to healthy lifestyles.
Here are some of the tips I shared on the show:
Eat like a nurse:
Track and trend what you eat using a journal or app on your phone. Nurses chart all day on patients, including what they eat, so we can educate patients on their diet. You can do the same. This helps you to be more accountable and makes you less likely to reach for that donut when you’re keeping track of what you’re eating. You’re more likely to stick to the script.
Sleep like a nurse:
Although we recommend getting 7-9 hours of sleep every night, when you can’t – try taking a nap. During the course of the day a chemical called adenosine builds up in our brains causing us to get tired. When you sleep, it burns off and you feel rested. But we can’t always take a nap so many of us drink coffee to stay awake. We nurses love our sleep but we also love our coffee. So try this nursing secret - a “coffee nap”. It takes 20-30 minutes for caffeine to have its full effect. So, have a single cup of coffee and then immediately take a 20-30 minute nap. When you wake up the adenosine will have burned off and the caffeine will have kicked in and you’ll be ready to go!
Move like a nurse:
Nurses are always on the move – pushing, pulling, lifting and chasing after patients. So we almost get a full body workout by just performing our regular duties of caring for people. Well, you may not have a patient to take care of or have a job that’s as physical but you, too, can get a similar workout with using a resistance band. It’s like an instant gym and full body workout you can take on the go. They are inexpensive, light weight and something small enough that you can tuck it away in your purse or back pack. Here are some examples of exercises you can do with a resistance band.
Get support like a nurse:
Nurses are coaches as well as cheerleaders when it comes to supporting people with their health. We are here to guide you and support you and your family during your health journey. Surrounding yourself with people who care about your health is important. Letting people know what your health goals and concerns are is important so they can help you stay the course during the times you feel like giving up. And they can also give you kudos for when you are meeting your mark.
You can watch the “Nurses Nation” episode of Dr. Oz here.
At the end of the show Dr. Oz mentioned he will be looking for a nurse to become a member of his expert team and that "The Dr. Oz Show" has launched a nationwide search. They will be reviewing candidates and making a decision this fall. If you enjoyed these tips or watching me on “The Dr. Oz” show and think one of’s very own health experts would be a great nurse addition to Dr. Oz’s team, please submit your nomination here.