Putting your best face forward should most certainly start with the most perfect set of brows. I recently had the pleasure of chatting with eyebrow expert and artist Tasha Mac, owner of Fabulous Lashes & Brows in Chicago, about the mistakes us ladies are making when it comes to our eyebrows. Tasha was very candid!
She shared five common mistakes she and other brow artists encounter regularly. Take heed!
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1. Letting Lottie Dottie and anybody else have their way with your brows.
Don't let your barber, your nail lady or your homegirl who you think does a nice job on her brows do yours. You want your brows looking nice, right and perfect for your face and it's important that you get them done by a professional eyebrow artist. Tasha asks, "When was the last time you went to the dentist for a pap smear?" Exactly.
2. Changing your brow artist frequently.
Tasha states that it's very important that you remain consistent and faithful to your chosen brow artist. Jumping from person to person puts your eyebrows at risk for a bad brow job. Every time you change brow artists it's like starting over again. When you stay faithful to your brow artist they know your brow history and have the ability to keep your brows perfect and tailor made for your face.
3. DIY (Doing-It-Yourself).
Yes, those step-by-step instructions that you spotted on Instagram look easy. However, you are not a trained brow artist and Tasha suggests you not touch them. And for the love of God, do not attempt to touch up your brows in between visits! Tasha says tweezing those one or two strands can make or break preserving the shape of your brows.
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4. Minding everyone else's brows but your own.
Tasha believes it's extremely important for every woman to know, "you cannot duplicate someone else's brow shape....Your brows are your brows. You have to accept your brows and let the brow artist create the best look for your brows."
5. Being unrealistic.
Listen, you know your brows are thin and over plucked. It's important that you be realistic about their current condition in addition to being very patient about their progress.
If you would love to learn more about Tasha Mac and Fabulous Lashes you can check her out on the Web or on Instagram @fabulouslashesandbrows.
Aishia Strickland is full-time mom to a little Chocolate Prince, full-time beauty school student, lover of multi-textured hair, tastemaker, Editor of Chocolate Curls Beauty and a knower of all THINGS!