In 2015, Colette Smith awoke from surgery with her upper left lung removed and was diagnosed with Stage 1a lung cancer. Recently, the 50-year-old New York resident celebrated her one year anniversary of being cancer-free and feels extremely fortunate that she was diagnosed at an early stage, crediting this to the fact that she listened to her body.
According to the 3rd Annual Women's Lung Health Barometer survey from the American Lung Association's Lung Force, only 18 percent of lung cancer cases among women are diagnosed early.
Colette shared her survivor story with Read on and be inspired! Is there a history of cancer in your family? Was lung cancer on your radar as something to discuss with your doctor?
Colette: My dad was diagnosed with kidney cancer and about a month after his diagnosis he passed. Lung cancer was never on my radar. In fact, I thought my family had certainly paid its "dues," as my husband is also a cancer survivor. When my husband had gotten a clean bill of health January 2015 I thought the worst was behind us. What were the symptoms you experienced that led to your diagnosis?
Colette: I was having palpitations. I had never experienced that before so I went to the ER. The doctors speculated that the palpitations could be a symptom of blood clots in my lungs and decided on a CAT scan. Thank God they did, for that is when the nodule in my lung was first discovered. Was it difficult to get an accurate diagnosis?
Colette: After the scan the doctors advised me to follow up with my primary care provider (PCP) and advised me to have a scan six months later. My PCP was vigilant and ordered me to repeat the scan in 4 months instead of the suggested six months. Following the second scan I still did not have a diagnosis. Then, I had to do a PET scan and still no diagnosis. In fact, some doctors even advised me to wait another six months. I then started networking with people I knew were resourceful and have relationships with doctors at Mount Sinai. It was a cardio thoracic surgeon who guided me through the next steps of having a lung biopsy. Then, finally when I was still not able to get a diagnosis that doctor compared the original scan and the final scan and pointed out to me that although the nodule had not grown it had thickened. He also showed me on the scan that the nodule appeared as though it was seeking a source of blood supply. It was then that I decided that surgery was my only option. When I awoke from surgery on September 17, 2015 it was then that I learned that the nodule was malignant and that my upper left lung had been completely removed. What was your treatment process like? What did you do to assist in having a successful treatment outcome?
Colette: Because I was diagnosed with stage 1A lung cancer my treatment was to remove the entire lung tissue. I did not need radiation or chemotherapy, as the cancer was contained. Recovery was very painful though and throughout my recovery I had to advise myself a lot! I complained about pain, however, after six weeks the surgeon released me from his care. Again, I had to advocate for myself and find help through pain management and yoga. What has helped you to cope throughout this journey?
Colette: I have the will to live! I allowed myself to only feel sorry and sad for a limited time. I sought psychological therapy and that put things in perspective for me: I can look at my diagnosis as a blessing or a curse. I chose to see it as a blessing, as many others are not diagnosed until later stages. My family was also very supportive, and I had a very supportive community at my son's school. I had this entire Team Colette supporting me every step of the way. Mostly though I feel God's merciful grace. What advice would you offer to other Black women living with lung cancer?
Colette: A diagnosis of lung cancer changes your life, it does not have to be the end of your life. Live! Seek a strong support network, every little bit helps. Talk to a professional about employing coping mechanisms. Mostly though, it is important that you advocate for yourself. Do research, ask a lot of question and do what feels right for you! What have you learned about yourself through this experience?
Colette: I am passionate about life. I have learned how incredibly strong and resourceful I am.