Aloe vera is a real beauty phenomenon. So many beauty companies love to use it in their skin and hair treatments because it's a miracle ingredient. Use of this "miracle plant" goes back to Egyptian times. Here are some great benefits to consider.
1. No more nail biting
There is nothing more unattractive than a woman with nibbled off fingernails. If you are a nail biter, or even have a kid who needs to kick this bad and unsanitary habit (eek!), try slathering some aloe vera gel across your hands. The moisturizing properties will be great for your nails and cuticles, but the taste will be sure to keep those helpless fingers out of your mouth!
2. Dandruff treatment
Got flakes? Try mixing up your very own dandruff treatment. Take your regular shampoo and mix in (1:1 ratio) of aloe vera juice. Rub through your hair and try to concentrate specifically on the scalp. Let this mixture sit on your head for about 20-30 minutes for best results. TADA! No more itchy, dry scalp.
3. Shaving cream
Out of your fancy shaving cream? Try grabbing some aloe vera gel. It's great for hydrating and soothing skin, and...
... it's thick enough to easily glide a razor over the skin.
4. Stretch marks
Sick of walking around smelling like a bottle of cocoa butter? Why not try the aloe vera alternative. Try applying aloe vera gel to your skin twice a day during pregnancy for best results. You can even continue using it post pregnancy to keep your skin from forming marks, or to help remove the ones that did appear.
5. Puffy eyes
Tired? If you have puffy eyes that make your face look like a raccoon try take a rag soaked in aloe vera gel and placing it in the fridge for 10 min. After cooling remove and place over your face. This will not only feel amazing, it will help reduce the puffiness and dark circles.
6. Makeup remover
Standard makeup removers are pricey and often barely get the job done. Not only will aloe vera gel remove the makeup from your face, it leaves your skin feeling soft and clean, too. Most removers are either drying or greasy. Aloe vera gel brings the perfect balance.
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