People with hepatitis C often worry about passing the virus on to loved ones unknowingly, especially if they’ve just been diagnosed. Contrary to popular belief, it takes a lot for someone to catch hepatitis C. For the record, you can only catch the virus through blood – not through coughing, sneezing, kissing, hugging, shaking hands, sharing eating utensils, etc. In other words, everyday contact is pretty risk-free; however, since hepatitis C is a virus that can be transmitted through blood, it’s important to follow the necessary precautions. Here are 10 tips from the American Liver Foundation to help protect yourself and others.
1. Never share razors, toothbrushes, nail clippers or filers (especially if you get manicures and pedicures) or anything else that might have your or someone else’s blood on it.
2. Always make sure that your open wounds, cuts and sores are completely covered.
3. Avoid donating blood, organs, tissue or sperm/semen.4. Be extra careful when throwing anything away with blood on it, including feminine products, tissues, bandages, or anything for that matter.
5. As far as sex goes, it’s pretty rare for hepatitis C to be transmitted through intercourse believe it or not, but it’d still be wise to use condoms to protect yourself and your partner from HIV/AIDS and other STIs out there.
6. If tattoos and piercings are your thing, always make sure the shop you attend is licensed and the equipment used is 100 percent sterile. The same advice applies to acupuncture since the practice involves needles.
7. Breastfeeding is safe, but do not breastfeed if the nipples are cracked and/or bleeding.
8. If you inject drugs (and we are NOT recommending or endorsing drug use in any way), first seek out a treatment program. If you choose to continue drug use, do not share needles with others.
9. If you have no choice but to come into direct contact with blood, always wear gloves.
10. Clean spilled blood from surfaces – including dried blood – using a bleach and water solution.