Gaining weight is probably a rare consideration for most, but there are people out there who struggle with their weight and not in losing it, but gaining it. It isn't as simple as one might think.
There are several medical conditions that can cause unhealthy weight loss.
Here are a few of them:
Eating disorders: This includes anorexia nervosa, a serious mental disorder.
Thyroid problems: Having an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) can boost metabolism and cause unhealthy weight loss.
Celiac disease: The most severe form of gluten intolerance. Most people with celiac disease don't know that they have it (10).
Diabetes: Having uncontrolled diabetes (mainly type 1) can lead to severe weight loss.
Cancer: Cancerous tumors often burn large amounts of calories and can cause someone to lose a lot of weight.
Infections: Certain infections can cause someone to become severely underweight. This includes parasites, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS.
Gaining weight, while optimizing health is huge obstacle within itself. You could try downing pints of ice cream, pasta, bread, cheeseburgers, and donuts, but I can promise you that isn't the smartest way.
READ THIS: 5 Weight Gain Causes You Can't Control
How to Gain Weight: 5 Ways to Gain Weight
Here are five ways celebrity nutritionist Cynthia Sass suggests you pack on the pounds:
1. Eat A Variety of Foods Every 4 hours
Supplying your body continuously with energy is key. Skipping meals is counterproductive as your body is constantly working day in and day out. When you deprive yourself of energy, your body is forced to use its stored fuel, muscle mass. Eat meals regularly to prevent losing. Consistency is key. Also, dining from at least three food groups or more is a good rule of thumb. Try getting some fruits, protein, and grains in with each meal. A wider variety provides your body with a broader spectrum of nutrients to work with throughout the day.
2. Lift Heavy Weights and Improve Your Strength
In order to make sure that the excess calories go to your muscles instead of just your fat cells, it is absolutely crucial to lift weights.
Go to a gym and lift, 2-4 times per week. Lift heavy, and try to increase the weights and volume over time.
If you are completely out of shape or you are new to training, then consider hiring a qualified personal trainer to help you get started.
You may also want to consult with a doctor if you have skeletal problems or any sort of medical issue.
It is probably best to take it easy on the cardio for now. Focus mostly on the weights.
Doing some cardio is fine to improve fitness and well-being, but don't do so much that you end up burning all the additional calories you are eating.
3. Eat Dense Foods
Instead of binging out on junk food, the best way to put on the extra weight is to include carb, protein, and...
...fat-heavy items into your diet. Dried fruits are a great example for this. The portions are a lot smaller due to the waterless content. A cup of fresh grapes = about a quarter cup of raisins. Remember, the goal is to be healthy, so steer clear of dried fruits with added sweeteners and preservatives.
"For another nourishing, power-packed snack, fold rolled oats, dark chocolate chips and minced dried fruit into almond butter – spoon out portions about the diameter of a quarter, roll them into little balls, wrap in wax and paper, and snack on them throughout the day."
RELATED: 10 Reasons Women Gain Weight
4. Blend It UP
Try juicing. Liquid isn't as filling, therefore allowing you to comfortably consume more without the added bloat. Try 100% fruit smoothies.
5. Snack Before Bedtime
Make sure you eat a healthy snack before you hit the sack. This gives your body an extra boost of nutrition, while its hard at work to repair and regenerate your muscle and tissue. Some simple options are whole-grain pasta salad, chopped vegetables, beans, chicken breast, and organic cheese.