Doctors always recommend breastfeeding up to the age of six months but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to accomplish. In fact, getting a newborn to breastfeed doesn’t always come as naturally as new parents would like. If you have a few tricks up your sleeve, however, you might have an easier time.
1. Take An Early Shot
As long as it’s possible, doctors recommend taking your first shot at breastfeeding within the first hour of birth. After that, your newborn will be sleepy and less likely to want to latch on to be fed.
2. Build Closeness
Even if early breastfeeding isn’t in the cards, you can ask to keep your baby with you. If you can hold them, this helps build closeness and promote a hormonal response that will help with your milk production.
3. Pay Attention To Your Baby’s Feet
When you’re getting ready to breastfeed, it helps if your baby’s feet are touching something. Whether it’s your leg, a pillow, or a blanket, the contact helps them feel more secure.
4. Try For A Deep Latch
Successful breastfeeding starts with what’s known as a deep latch. To accomplish this, make sure that your baby’s stomach is touching yours so they don’t have to turn. You should then point your nipple at their nose so they have to raise their head a little to get it. That should result in a wide-open mouth.
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5. Give The Baby A Mouthful
Once you’re set up for the deep latch, you can hold the baby firmly while supporting your breast. Your nipple should fill the roof of their mouth and when they latch, the baby’s mouth should cover some of the areola as well. If this doesn’t happen, you can detach and try again.
6. Leave The Baby’s Head Alone
You may feel the instinct to push your baby’s head forward but this only causes them to resist and even bite down. It’s better to hold them by the neck instead.
7. Anticipate Your Baby’s Needs
Over time, it’s helpful to know the signs that your baby is hungry. If you wait until they’re crying, they may be too irritable to latch correctly. A few signs to look out for include turning the head repeatedly, sucking on what’s nearby, and sticking out the tongue.
RELATED: 6 Ways To Prep Your Body & Home For Breastfeeding
8. Avoid Pacifiers
Doctors recommend avoiding pacifiers until after your baby’s first month as they can suppress hunger cues and interfere with breastfeeding.
9. Focus On Your Diet
You should ensure that your diet matches your baby’s breastfeeding needs. While 300 extra daily calories are usually enough, you may need to modify that if you’re exercising or have multiples.
10. Wake Them Carefully
If your baby falls asleep while breastfeeding, try tickling their feet gently, touching them with a wet washcloth, or stroking them softly under the chin.
11. Practice Relaxation
If you’re stressed out, this can affect your milk production and make your baby uncomfortable. Before breastfeeding, focus on relaxing so this isn’t an issue.
12. Don’t Watch The Clock
Babies don’t always follow a schedule. Some need to be fed every 2 hours while others vary. Some are fast feeders who are done in 10 minutes while others take 45 minutes to have their fill. Let your baby dictate how long they need.
RELATED: 5 Benefits Of Breastfeeding For New Moms
13. Find Comfortable Positions
Comfort is essential when breastfeeding so learn what works for you. For example, lying on the side is great for people who had a C-section while a nursing stool helps someone who needed an episiotomy.
14. Have A Bottle Timeline
If you’re going back to work soon, it’s best to introduce the bottle at the 4-6 week mark. By doing this, you won’t interfere with the current breastfeeding routine and there’s a lower risk of refusal.
RELATED: Breastfeeding: Natural Doesn’t Mean Easy
15. Know The Signs Of Satisfaction
A satisfied baby will release your breast on their own and likely appear relaxed. They may also be drowsy.
What To Do If Nothing Works
Sometimes, nothing you do works to get your newborn to latch on and breastfeed. In that case, it’s time to talk to the experts. A lactation professional can help you adjust your technique while your pediatrician can assess your baby’s health. Premature babies as well as babies who have disabilities or injuries may have trouble with breastfeeding, so you’ll need to account for that. Some illnesses such as a cold, jaundice, and heart complications can also affect how well a baby breastfeeds. While you’re making an appointment to see the doctor, consider expressing your milk and feeding your baby with a bottle or from a cup.
There are many benefits of breastfeeding so it’s important to get it right. However, if it’s not working out as it should, you need to consult a pediatrician to ensure that your baby is in good health. Don’t forget to take care of yourself too.