When it comes to migraines, many people are quick to point the finger at the usual suspects. Stress. Hormonal changes. Drinks. Bright lights and sun glare. But while this line-up of common triggers might provide answers for some sufferers, new research is indicating that individuals who experience migraines might have another cause to blame: Dry eye.
With this new research indicating the link between dry eye and migraines, it’s important to understand what causes dry eye, and how it (and potentially, your migraines) can be treated.
Understanding Dry Eye and Migraines
In a study published in the medical journal Cornea, researchers observed a small group of participants to determine if there could be a causal link between dry eye and migraines. Clinical indicators demonstrated that those patients who suffered from migraines have a greater severity of dry eye symptoms than patients who do not suffer from migraines. Based on this study, researchers have concluded that irritating dry eye symptoms can lead to migraine flare-ups.
Dry eye symptoms – which can include red, irritated, and itchy eyes – are uncomfortable and often chronic, which creates the perfect storm for migraine headaches. Ocular health experts have suspected that dry eye symptoms can cause migraine flare-ups, as many have reported that aggressively treating dry eye syndrome can greatly decrease the severity and frequency of these migraine headaches.
This means that ocular health experts are recommended to ask dry eye patients if they’re suffering from migraines. This can help ocular patients understand the link between these two conditions, including ideal treatments. It’s also crucial for patients who suffer from migraines to look into dry eye treatments. Relieving these irritating symptoms can lead to a better quality of life for migraine sufferers.
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