Green tea became a huge weight loss and health trend over the past five to seven years. You can buy it almost every where, and it's been praised up and down for its many health benefits such as anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic and antioxidant properties. Well, you may want to hold your horses. It appears as though too much may be counter productive. According to a study released by The American College of Gastroenterology, green tea extract supplements could be linked to liver failure.
Green tea contains catechins, a type of polyphenols, which overall act as an antioxidant, but it appears that too many of these in your system can be toxic. According to gastroenterologist with the Carolinas HealthCare System and an author of the study, Dr. Hervert Bonkovsky, catechins prevent your cells from being able to help your body metabolize food and turn it into energy, which can lead to jaundice, hepatitis, or liver failure.
Some other green tea concerns include:Jitters
Green tea is just like any other caffeinated drink and large consumption can lead to an energy crash, anxiousness, and sometimes shakiness.
Calcium Absorption
Over consumption on a regular basis of green tea can lead to lack of calcium absorption. This will hinder the growth and maintenance of your bones. This significantly increases your risk of developing osteoporosis.
Pregnant women are warned to drink green tea in very small doses, as it has been linked to increased risk of miscarriage and other fertility issues. It's also not good to drink while nursing as it will pass over to your infant through the milk.
Iron Deficiency
It is said that over consumption of green tea cause "tired blood" where it decreases the ability for iron to be absorbed into the blood serious affecting anemic and iron deficient people.