Usually, when people think about having an issue with dry skin, the first attempt at fixing the problem is to purchase a good moisturizer. Whether it's oils, butters, or lotions, it has all been tried one way or another.
One slightly underrated factor is taking care of your body and paying attention to what you put in it. In many cases, dry skin can simply just be hereditary.
The skin can be a direct representation of your emotional stress as well. This is why people will get acne that can flare with anxiety. Your body responds to the changes in your mental state.
Stress, depression, and anxiety can cause fairly rough skin conditions Stress hormones can begin to contribute to clogged pores and acne breakouts. If you are suffering from chronic stress, it can lead to bad overall skin health.
Some psychological conditions can increase inflammation internally to cause skin issues. Stress can even cause inflammation through the gut-skin connection. This same internal inflammation can cause issues like acne, eczema, and psoriasis.
RELATED: 10 Things You Do Every Day That’s Causing Your Dry Skin
Is it stress?
Stress Hormones like cortisol can lead to an overproduction of sebum in your skin glands and cause breakouts. Not only will it affect you in that way, but it can also impact your immune system causing your skin to be reactive and sensitive.
As a result, rashes, hives, and redness can be triggered. Skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea can also be flared up due to stress. This same stress that is causing problems with your skin can cause you to feel nervous or anxious and result in picking at scabs or acne-causing blemishes. Stress can work to impair the barrier that helps the skin hydrate itself.
As a result, the skin becomes dry and itchy. Stress also has the potential to weaken your immune system and can lead to an imbalance of the bacteria that is in your gut. This imbalance can cause redness and rashes on the skin.
How Your Diet Affects Your Skin
There is a long list of foods that harm your skin and if you eliminate them, you are almost guaranteed to see results. Sugars, alcohol, grains, dairy, legumes, and baked goods can all harm your skin.
Sugar ignites problems with hormones and inflammation, causing things like acne and hyperpigmentation. Refined and processed carbohydrates like white sugar increase blood sugar levels at a faster rate.
As a result, your pancreas releases more insulin. Avoiding dairy products and alcohol can reduce acne and dry skin. This may be tough due to all the things that have dairy, but in the end, it can be worth it.
RELATED: 10 Best Moisturizers To Combat Itchy, Dry Skin
How to Battle Dry Skin from Within
The number one thing you need to do before you try a diet plan or new moisturizer is to drink more water. The human body is 70% water and this includes your skin. For your metabolism to function the right way, it needs plenty of fluids.
On average, people need two to three liters of water a day. Believe it or not, you need fats to get healthier smoother skin.
This doesn’t mean just any old fat. Omega-3 fatty acids that are in fish like salmon can do the skin well. If you aren’t big on fish, you can try nettle seeds, chia seeds, or flax seeds.
These fats will stabilize the skin's natural barriers. Bright-colored fruits like apricots, sea buckthorn, carrots, bell peppers, or red peppers have high levels of beta-carotene.
This will help prevent dry and aging skin. Foods like egg yolk, oak flakes, salmon, tomatoes, and spinach carry B7, which is great for the skin. Nuts and seeds are rich in vitamin E which works to hydrate your skin.