It’s not enough to just take your prescribed medication when battling hepatitis C.
Sure, the medicine helps. But what’s equally as important for a hepatitis C patient is a healthy diet – specifically, one that boosts liver function in a time where the liver may be faltering because of the disease.
A good diet also keeps away other conditions that those living with hepatitis C may have an increased chance of getting, like type 2 diabetes, for example.
With these things in mind, here is a list of healthy food options to stock up your fridge and dinner plate with that will surely add a boost to your liver’s function after a hepatitis C diagnosis.
Whole grains
Bread, barley, quinoa, whole-wheat pasta and brown rice are all great options to add to your liver-boosting diet. Unlike white bread and white pasta, the most valuable and nutritious parts of the bran, germ and kernel can be found in whole grains. If you eat these food options daily, perhaps adding them to your breakfast or dinner routines, your liver will definitely benefit.
This might seem super random, but yes, coffee is good for patients with hepatitis C. Experts found that drinking at least three cups of coffee daily lead to a greater response to hepatitis C treatment. Go figure.
Healthy proteins
Think: fish, turkey, non-fat dairy, skinless chicken and lean meats. These options are not only tasty but crucial in protecting your liver from fatty disease – considering that these foods are contain less amounts of fat. Red meats are detrimental to your healthy liver diet as they pack on the pounds, which leave you and your liver more vulnerable to diabetes and other concerning conditions. Also, make sure your fish is cooked thoroughly as raw fish is a potential breeding ground for food-borne illnesses – which can counteract any positive hepatitis C treatment. With that said, it’s also best to avoid unpasteurized milk and cheese, as well.
Fruits and vegetables
One can never go wrong with a plentiful amount of fruits and vegetables in the daily diet, with or without liver disease. But, for people living with hepatitis C, fruits and vegetables are a good source of fiber. They are also low in calories and fat, reducing chances of diabetes and any other liver diseases. Additionally, leafy green vegetables contain beneficial amounts of vitamins and minerals, making them a great option for your daily healthy liver diet.